Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Dissertation proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proposal - Dissertation Example (Department of Trade and Industry, 2002) Considerable awareness is there on these concepts of social enterprises, but the problem is in reality the numbers of social enterprises are significantly lower in relation to normal profit-making companies. This kind of observation simply leads to the question as to whether this situation is taking place because there is scarcity of required finance that is essential for providing support to the growth of these organizations or whether people are less interested in setting up a social enterprise on account of the challenges it faces. (Shortall, 2009) From the perspective of a lender, particularly of a banker, the flow of cash and the capability of repaying all the debts are the important factors and criteria for judging the application in the area of financing. This is indeed a challenge for the managers of the organizations like social enterprises service where the key funding sources are donations and grants. (Gates, 1998; Shortall, 2009) S ubsidies provided by Government and donations offered by various public and private organizations or individuals are not dependable sources of revenue in any of the traditional lending system, consequently social enterprises shall necessitate adequate amount of collateral for compensating for that. Cash flow on a regular basis is a very important thing for any traditional lending organization like banks to take into account at the time of lending any firm. It is generally found that banks are not as much interested in extending loans to social enterprises as in doing the same for other normal profit-making institutions. The bankers actually perceive the business and operational modes of social enterprises in a different way. (Brown, 2004; Department of Trade and Industry, 2002) In this background, it would be quite interesting to examine the environment of finance in this special type of enterprises, namely social enterprises. The proposed research aims at conducting a thorough revi ew of bankers’ actual awareness regarding business and operational modes of social enterprises, their attitudes towards social enterprises’ business modes and social enterprises’ ability to attract funds from traditional lenders like banks. Given the goals and nature of operation of these institutions, it seems that bankers would not be much likely to lend them funds. In this scenario, it would be interesting to examine the extent to which bankers are reluctant of giving funds to social enterprises and why they are reluctant. For the purpose of the present research, the social enterprises of London will be taken into account. A significant number of social enterprises operate in different industrial sectors of London and a number commercial banks operating in London will be considered. Research Objectives: Given the research aim discussed in the earlier section, the research objectives of the study can be stated as follows: To build an enhanced understanding of awareness of bankers regarding the nature of operation of social enterprises. To identify the bankers’ attitude towards lending social enterprises and to find out the sources of having the attitude they have built. To examine the ability of social enterprises in attracting funds from traditional lending organizations like banks. Research Questions: On the basis of the research obje
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Positive And Negative Reinforcement Education Essay
Positive And Negative Reinforcement Education Essay In theory, childrens understanding and ability in literacy, mathematics and science should be enhanced through high quality teaching. However there is a lot of debate on the best ways to teach children and how children actually learn. It could be argued that teaching children to read is the most fundamental task for teachers. It is the case that once children have learnt to read, they can read to learn. In other words, reading is needed to access any other subject. Gorden Wells (1985) longitudinal project on childrens language development at home and at school points out the role of stories in developing childrens literacy skills and their abstract thought processes. Children most successful in literacy tests age 7 and 11 could be positively identified as having had experience of stories told of read to read to them before beginning school. Wells argues that the process of understanding the world presented by stories obliges children to use decontextualised language by creating a world inside their heads. He makes even stronger claims for the importance of stories by arguing that they contribute very positively to childrens wider learning. His research evidence supports the view that in order to understand a story a child has to pay particular attention to symbolic language. This requires high levels of cognitive thought. The child who listens to or reads stories regularly spends more time using these high levels of thought than the child who does not. In other words, stories make children smarter. (Wells, G. (1985) Language, Learning and Education. Cheltenham: NFER-Nelson). Children learn to read when they are affectively engaged, when they want to read, when it matters to them to do so. Simple instruction in alphabetic and phonemic principles will not create readers of either kind. It will create children who can chant and recite alphabetic and phonemic information. We maintain that the two kinds of reading experience are both important but that they must work together and that children will attend to print when they are intrinsically motivated to be involved in literacy activities. (Kress 1997). According to Kress (1997: 42) classrooms should have good supplies of picture books with patterned and predictable language as these books will quickly become familiar to children. They also will be the kinds of books that children will want to come back to, will find comfort in and, as developing readers, will feel safe in their company. Through guided reading, the teacher demonstrated that pleasure that can be gained from reading and Kress (1997, p. 44) suggests that this requires teachers to know books well in order to be able to share their enthusiasm. As Meek says, we only read well what we think well of (Meek 1982: 45) and Demonstrating the pleasure to be gained from reading is an important part of shared reading experiences and that requires teachers to know books well in order to be able to share their enthusiasm. As Meek says, we only read well what we think well of (Meek 1982: 45) and so a deep immersion into the world of childrens literature is essential for teachers if they are to arouse enthusiasm and model positive reading behaviours in order to teach reading, teachers must become readers. Modelling and developing positive attitudes to reading is a key focus in teaching reading. Once children become aware of what can be gained in terms of pleasure and purpose, then not only will they become self-motivated to engage in reading but good reading habits will be formed. P. 44 Meek, M. (1982) Learning to Read. London: the Bodley Head Peacock et al (2011: p. 2) suggests that a lack of science subject knowledge combined with a lack of confidence in how to teach science may have a severely limiting effect on childrens learning. It is important that teachers plan their lessons thoroughly before teaching so that they can ensure their subject knowledge on that area is sufficient and so that they can deal with things such as time management and choosing appropriate resources. Good planning of time management, subject knowledge and resources were evident in the science lesson that I observed. This was shown by the teacher using specific terminology, such as opaque, translucent and transparent. She also had an activity planned in which the children used certain props allowing them to find the answer themselves; through observation. Furthermore, good planning allowed her to manage time as she had planned a clear introduction; where the children recapped what they already had learnt, a development section; where they were able to independently find out answers through observation and then they come back together for a plenary. Planning the lesson well allowed the different sections of the lesson to flow well and the teacher was able to plan it in a way to address whether the children had learnt what she had intended them to. She did this by observing their knowledge at the beginning of the lesson and then re-evaluating their knowledge during the plenary at the end; which required the children to express what they had observed. My observation of a supply teachers lesson in maths supports how planning is a really important factor in enhancing childrens understanding. This is because her lesson was not as structured as their lessons usually were and this created a great impact on the childrens learning. I felt that she was not as able to move smoothly from one task to another and she often asked the children questions or got them to do tasks they had already done. This meant that they were not building on the knowledge they already knew. Of course recapping is important, however I feel it should be used as an introduction of the lesson or plenary rather than the main part of the lesson; as I feel children should investigate or observe independently too. Furthermore, the supply teacher was unable to use different resources and spent all of her time either lecturing the children on the topic (rather than the lesson being student-lead) or with her back to them as she was writing on the whiteboard. The teacher also played a really complicated maths game with the children, which did not seem to catch their attention. She spent a lot of time on the game; it was the main part of the lesson, rather than a mental starter which would have been more appropriate. The game also did not really help with what they were learning about, which was co-ordinates. This shows, therefore, how important planning and using appropriate diagrams, tasks and open questions are. Preparing them on resources like interactive whiteboards or worksheets reduces times spent writing/drawing them on the board or trying to explain them, and means the teacher spends less time with her back to children. I feel this really shows how high quality teaching really affects how the children learn. The same children were acting so differently than they were with their usual teacher. When I walked around the classroom offering help, they were less engaged with the lesson and the work they were meant to be doing which meant they got less done. They were much chattier throughout the lesson than normal and the teacher seemed pretty unaware. When the noise rose, she did not quiet them down or settle them, meaning they continued to push her. In the end, the teaching assistant stepped in and started settling some of the children, which Ive never seen her do in lessons with their normal teacher. I feel the negative change in the childrens behaviour was mostly due to the lack of behavioural management, lack of preparation and not knowing the individual children well. Conclusion Bishop et al (1993: 1) propose that there are four groups of influences which appear to be of crucial importance for learners of mathematics. They suggest these four groups are the society in which the mathematics is taking place; out-of-school knowledge; teaching materials and aids; and the teacher themselves. Although childrens understanding in literacy, mathematics and science can be enhanced through high quality teaching and learning, this is not the only factor that can enhance their understanding.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Prejudice in America Essay example -- Prejudice United States
Prejudice, the Spoil of Life I was born and raised in Europe. I have learned from my history books that there were freedom and equality in the United States. I learned that, among many other rights, people enjoy freedom of religion and freedom of speech - the rights that were envied by millions of people of the Eastern Block countries. When I came to the United States, I truly believed in the truthfulness of these terms. To my complete satisfaction, my experience taught me the existence of these facts. However, I became disappointed in my surroundings, when I was forced to recognize that a portion of people were not free of prejudice. "Prejudice," Gordon Allport writes, "is thinking ill of others without sufficient warrant" (Allport, qtd. in Rottenberg and Winchell 81). This short definition helped me to discover that, regardless of race, color, national origin, or gender, people share a universally existing problem: prejudice. Despite of my experience regarding prejudice, many people believe that prejudice does not exist, and one should not interpret the opinion of others as prejudice. These people reason that it is their right to express their opinions. However, I do not agree with this judgment. Let me bring Gordon Allport's essay of "The Nature of Prejudice," and his observation of the types of prejudice to my defense. According to Allport, who summarized the different types of prejudices and defined prejudice in his essay, some people feel dislike against minorities, but they are not able to explain their reasoning, however. Allport found that this dislike is a mannerism taught by society and surfaces in their "treatment to Negroes" (Allport, qtd. in Rottenberg and Winchell 80). Others, who live "in various parts of ... ...e years, but I still receive unfair treatment at times. Besides some occasional unfairness, the majority of people find my heritage rather interesting than controversial. My experience is only one example of the thousands of incidents against people. No matter where I look, I see unfair treatment all over the world. Regardless of the continent or culture, nobody is exempt from biases. But I cannot blame people carrying this disease because any average community has to rely on a limited amount of knowledge. However, and my experience is the best example, it takes time, effort, and courage to reveal causes and reasoning to draw up a conclusion so that the public would have a full understanding of the historical background of any newcomer. Works Cited Rottenberg, Annette T., and Donna Haisty Winchell. Elements of Argument. 8th. Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 2006. Prejudice in America Essay example -- Prejudice United States Prejudice, the Spoil of Life I was born and raised in Europe. I have learned from my history books that there were freedom and equality in the United States. I learned that, among many other rights, people enjoy freedom of religion and freedom of speech - the rights that were envied by millions of people of the Eastern Block countries. When I came to the United States, I truly believed in the truthfulness of these terms. To my complete satisfaction, my experience taught me the existence of these facts. However, I became disappointed in my surroundings, when I was forced to recognize that a portion of people were not free of prejudice. "Prejudice," Gordon Allport writes, "is thinking ill of others without sufficient warrant" (Allport, qtd. in Rottenberg and Winchell 81). This short definition helped me to discover that, regardless of race, color, national origin, or gender, people share a universally existing problem: prejudice. Despite of my experience regarding prejudice, many people believe that prejudice does not exist, and one should not interpret the opinion of others as prejudice. These people reason that it is their right to express their opinions. However, I do not agree with this judgment. Let me bring Gordon Allport's essay of "The Nature of Prejudice," and his observation of the types of prejudice to my defense. According to Allport, who summarized the different types of prejudices and defined prejudice in his essay, some people feel dislike against minorities, but they are not able to explain their reasoning, however. Allport found that this dislike is a mannerism taught by society and surfaces in their "treatment to Negroes" (Allport, qtd. in Rottenberg and Winchell 80). Others, who live "in various parts of ... ...e years, but I still receive unfair treatment at times. Besides some occasional unfairness, the majority of people find my heritage rather interesting than controversial. My experience is only one example of the thousands of incidents against people. No matter where I look, I see unfair treatment all over the world. Regardless of the continent or culture, nobody is exempt from biases. But I cannot blame people carrying this disease because any average community has to rely on a limited amount of knowledge. However, and my experience is the best example, it takes time, effort, and courage to reveal causes and reasoning to draw up a conclusion so that the public would have a full understanding of the historical background of any newcomer. Works Cited Rottenberg, Annette T., and Donna Haisty Winchell. Elements of Argument. 8th. Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 2006.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Household Behavior and Demand Essay
Household behavior is one of the any basic concepts in economics which has an effect on market trends. Household demand, for instance, can be seen as related to consumer choices in terms of which products are mostly bought in the market and which products need more supplies in terms of item production and its corresponding allocation. One of the many essential features of household demand is its corresponding effect on what is being provided in the market and, more importantly, the quantities or stock that is being allocated in the market. It seems quite obvious that the quantities of certain products in the marketâ€â€for instance, in a certain area or a certain supermarketâ€â€are patterned according to the existing demand and the foreseen demands a some point in the future, say within a frame of a few weeks time. Household behavior, for its effects on market trends to be realized and understood, must be taken from a general and collective standpoint since a single specific household behavior cannot entirely be taken into account as the precise and sole measure in determining the overall household behavior true for all o most instances with regard to market trends. For example, it has been observed that Chinese people rely largely on the prices of products in determining which ones are the best buys. Paul French notes that â€Å"for pragmatic Chinese shoppers, price remains the bottom-line†which translates to the idea that â€Å"win on price and you win†(French, 2007). Hence, in the context of Chinese households, producers of certain goods should greatly consider the fact that Chinese households will most likely prefer goods which are relatively lower in price as compared to other products in the market in order stay atop the competition. To be able to gain control of the price index of a certain product in the market means to be able to win the market competition if the Chinese household behavior is the primary basis to be used. The perception appears simple enough: household behavior determines household demand which, in consequence, affects a large portion of certain market trends. Thus, to analyze a specific market trend for a specific product entails the analysis and understanding of certain trends in household demand caused by household behavior. An existing household demand, say, for breakfast cereals can be looked upon the collective household behavior in terms of cereal consumption for the past six months for the locality of Chicago, for example. Given a relatively high consumption rate for breakfast cereals with the price not exceeding $4 per box among families, companies producing breakfast cereals may have the corresponding decision to pattern their product according to the existing demand. Although it may not essentially be the case that companies will sacrifice prices of their products in order to meet the demand for the value of the products, being able to adjust product prices in accordance to the existing market prices will most likely lead to favorable results on the part of the companies since market demand is met. Quite on the contrary, there are still other related factors which hinder the feat of lowering prices according to the budget and income of households which determine their capacity to buy and consume certain products. More recently, several instant-noodle corporations in China have difficulties in lowering the prices of their products due to escalating prices in wheat and other farm commodities (Zhu, 2007). With prices in instant-noodlesâ€â€a popular product among individuals with meager budgetâ€â€soaring, even the household demand or low-cost instant-noodles may hardly deter companies from lowering the prices of their goods just to meet the existing demand in the market. On the part of households, proper allocation of income can be one remedy in order to curb unnecessary spending so as to be able to allocate budget on goods which the households deem as a dire part of their income-spending. In this case, household behavior and demand appears to be patterned according to the existing market trends which is the opposite or reverse case of what has been provided earlier. Hence, it is also possible to have a household behavior or consumer choice that is based on existing market trends apart from the possibility that market trends may also be based on existing consumer choice and household behavior. Allocating income to maximize utility is one household behavior that determines consumer choice in the long run. For instance, there is the observation that â€Å"household expenditure patterns are affected by the share of household income accruing to women†(Hopkins, Levin, & Haddad, 1994). Given this perception, the choices of consumers over a vast array of products competing in the market is not only affected by external elements determined by companies but also by internal elements sprouting from household consumption patterns of certain goods in relation to the household’s budget allocation. In terms of income and substitution effects, the changes in the prices of certain goods are proposed to alter the demands for such goods. Changes in relative prices as well as changes in the purchasing power of the money income can greatly alter the existing demands for, say, a breakfast cereal. Even if the prices for breakfast cereals remain the same for a given period, alterations in the income will result to an equal change in the budget constraint (Hamermesh, 1977). On the other hand, if the price of breakfast cereals changes, the budget constraint will change accordingly. One concrete way in further understanding the situation is that in order to maximize the utility with the decreased budget constraint, the household will tend to have shifts in their patterns of consumption. For instance, with the budget constraint arising from the decrease in the money’s purchasing power, households will tend to maximize the utility of money by increasing the segregation of purchases of goods based on low-cost preference. An example to this is when households purchase goods with relatively lower prices given a budget of $20 which results to more purchases of various goods while on the other hand households purchasing goods with relatively higher prices will result to lesser maximization of the utility or lesser goods purchased with the $20 budget. Hence, wage rates also share a crucial part in determining household behavior and demand as well as consumer choice. It has been seen that the rates of wages of certain groups of people have corresponding implications on the purchasing power of households. To arrive at the observation that the wage of a household is decreased corresponds to the observation that the purchasing capacity of the same household proportionally, if not significantly, decreases. A higher wage, then, will translate to a higher capacity to purchase goods in the market. In the larger scheme, a group of households with a high rate of wage will most likely have higher purchasing capacity thereby inducing the household behavior of increased spending assuming the household has lesser tendencies to save their income. In effect, a certain market demand will be conjured in such a way that a certain good, for instance, will experience an increase in demand which calls for a corresponding increase in goods being supplied. Thus, it can be noted that the overall rate in household demand will relatively increase given the increase in wages. On the other hand, interest rates may greatly alter or shift the persisting demand from households towards a certain good. For instance, a higher interest rates for purchased loans by households will certainly result to a higher real cost of purchase in the fulfillment of all payments made for the loan. It is quite apparent that an increase of 2% in interest rates from 4% to 6% will most certainly have a corresponding effect on the actual cost of the good purchased. For the most part, higher interest rates translate to higher cost of purchases, decreased household spending given a fixed rate of wages, and a lesser spending on other goods which result to a corresponding decrease in the demand for those other goods. The price of leisure also has a significant role in comprehending the patterns in household demand and consumer choices. For instance, higher prices in the cost of airplane travels would entail that the consumer will opt for the airline provider with the least cost. A decline in the preference for airlines with comparatively higher airline prices will most likely be felt assuming that a given set of consumers have fixed income. Budget constraints in an environment of increasing prices in leisure enable one to view the household demand for existing leisure. Indeed, it has been observed that several market trends can be viewed and analyzed using the perceptions on household behavior and demand for certain goods and products. The interrelationships existing between the market trend and the household behavior is clear although at some point several exceptions would have to be made. Essential to this understanding is the view that there may or may not be actual budget constraints and that prices of commodities may actually shift even without the presence of the shift such as a decline or incline in the demand from households. Nevertheless, there are many cases in which household behavior has its implications on the existing market trends. References French, P. (2007). When the Best Buy Is No Buy. The Wall Street Journal(August 7). Hamermesh, D. S. (1977). A Note on Income and Substitution Effects in Search Unemployment. The Economic Journal, 87(346), 312. Hopkins, J. , Levin, C. , & Haddad, L. (1994). Women’s Income and Household Expenditure Patterns: Gender or Flow? Evidence from Niger. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(5), 1219. Zhu, E. (2007). China’s Battle Against Inflation Puts Noodle Makers in Hot Water. The Wall Street Journal(August 29), B11.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Best Tv Show Essay
First I’m going to talk about my favorite TV show. Its name is Prison Break. It all talks about someone whose name is Michel Scofeeld and a very big company in the U.S.A. this company tried to kill his brother by a very dangerous way. The make him seems as the killer of the president brother. They set everything for him to be arrested by this charge. Everybody thought he killed him except his wife and his brother who is our hero. They took him to the prison to set for killing because what he has done or I should say what they think he has done. His brother didn’t stay watching that. He was an engineer. He planed for his brother escape from the prison. He did a very big tattoo in his body which was not just a big tattoo; it was a very big map for one of the biggest prisons in the world in which nobody ever could escape it. The brother tried to steel a bank to get to the prison in which his brother is. He could make it and got to the prison near his brother. He has planned for everything even after they run away. At the end of the first season he could get his brother out of the prison, but the problem was that many people was killed in that operation, not only that the other problem is that ten of the biggest criminal in the U.S.A has escaped with them. The brother (the hero) will never forgive himself about what he has done. A nurse who helped them escape did face so many problems for her and her father, because her father was the governor of that city. He got fired from his job. After a little bit they found him dead in his flat. The company killed him because he knew very dangerous information about them. Any way the hero of our TV show didn’t make it at the end. He died to save his wife from the danger. I think I have to remind you that he got married from the nurse who helped him escape from the prison. The second TV show that I want to talk about is 24. It is very famous series it has eight seasons every one has 24 episodes. It all talks about a very big organization which tries to make the U.S.A falls down by killing the people of it. Our hero for this TV show is Jack Bour. He is a federal agent with a very big organization called C.T.U. In the beginning he worked over there as a normal agent and after that he changed to be the one who saved his own country so many times. In the first attempt for the terrorist to attack the U.S.A they kidnapped his daughter and wife. He did every possible thing for him to save his family. In the end of the season after he has saved his family someone who Jack trusted betrayed him. She was one of the terrorists she tried to run away from C.T.U by killing his wife in the C.T.U building. But Jack felt that very late. It is all make him crazy after losing his wife. He was about to kill that woman who killed his wife and who trusted. The first season ended with the falling of his tear. The fist and the second seasons are the only seasons which didn’t talk about Islam organization. In the beginning I liked it but at the end I really felt so bad in some views. By the way every one who Jack loved has been killed by those people to be eliminated. But the really couldn’t kill Jack because he was very strong in facing people using weapons.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
3 Ways to Get Ready for the Storm
3 Ways to Get Ready for the Storm Safe rooms are great, but homeowners have other options to prepare for that perfect storm. Faced with extreme weather, responsible property owners protect both their premises and the people who live there. Safe rooms can protect lives, but what are some steps to take to protect your property? Whether your home is old or new, it may not be able to withstand the fierce winds of a hurricane or tornado. Falling debris can shatter windows and strong wind can cause any weak places in the home to give way - photos show us how an EF2 tornado can rip a board from an awning and impale it deep into an adjacent solid concrete wall. Houses should be built, or rebuilt, to withstand natural hazards - wind, water, fire, and the shaking earth. Some of the most durable homes built today are constructed of insulated concrete forms. These hollow foam blocks and panels are reinforced with concrete, making them especially resistant to wind and waves. But, even a house made from concrete can have points of weakness. To protect your home, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends that you pay special attention to three key areas - the roof, the windows, and the doors, including the garage door, if you have one. Focus on Storm-Proofing These Areas 1. The RoofFirst determine what type of roof you have and what environmental dangers are likely to occur. Homes with gabled roofs are more likely to suffer damage from high winds. A gable roof can be strengthened by installing additional braces in the trusses and/or at the gable ends. A qualified builder can install galvanized metal hurricane straps and clips to help secure the roof to the walls. The idea is transfer wind loads by keeping the joints in your home all connected - roof to wall, floor to floor, and wall to foundation, as explained in this YouTube video by StrongHomes. For new construction, consider different types of construction. The DAWG HAUS, or Disaster Avoidance With Good Home Attenuating Unionization System, is a bracket-system of construction being taught in many vocational schools. It will obviously increase construction costs, but the brackets and labor spent on installation will pay for itself after the first storm. Firestorms are just as devastating as wind to the roof of your property. A ceramic tile roof is no match for flying embers compared with the neighbors shake shingle roof. For homeowners in fire-prone areas, remove vegetation from around your home and protect your property from flying embers - windborne debris as dangerous as a steel beam. 2. The WindowsMost damage occurs when debris punctures a window and compromises the premises.The easiest and most effective way to protect windows and glass doors is to install storm shutters. Storm shutters are not decorative, but functional additions to mitigate damage - which is the original purpose of shutters. Building supply stores sell many kinds of storm shutters, from high-tech fabric to automated accordion. You can also make your own shutters out of plywood, or install permanent shutter frames that will hold units in place when needed. Shutters are in addition to what is called windborne debris-resistant glazing (glass), according to FEMA technical assistance. 3. The Doors Most doors do not have bolts or pins strong enough to withstand storm-force winds. Garage doors can be strengthened by installing horizontal bracing in each panel. Bracing kits can often be purchased from garage door manufacturers. You may also need to add stronger supports and heavier hinges for your garage doors. These projects cannot guarantee the safety of your home, but, if done correctly, they may be able to minimize storm damage. Also consult with building professionals in your area, and be sure to check your local building code requirements. Retrofitting and Mitigating Retrofitting is making changes to an existing building to protect it from flooding or other hazards, such as high winds and earthquakes, states FEMA. Construction technologies, including both methods and materials, continue to improve, as does our knowledge of hazards and their effects on buildings. Hazard mitigation is sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires. - FEMA P-312 FEMA encourages homeowners in hurricane and tornado prone regions to construct safe rooms. A safe room is a structurally-sound space strong enough to provide protection from any number of hazards. Even people who live in brick homes, once considered the safest of all construction, are at risk from the rising tide of earthquakes - unreinforced masonry buildings or URMs have brick walls without steel reinforcing bars embedded within them. Retrofitting URMs is addressed in FEMA publication P-774, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings and Earthquakes. Determining risk and retrofitting your property to mitigate risk are profound responsibilities for any property owner - especially in an era of extreme weather and induced seismicity. Sources FEMA 247, Against the Wind: Protecting your Home from Hurricane and Wind Damage, December 1993, PDF at Safe Rooms, FEMA Protection of Openings – Shutters and Glazing, Technical Fact Sheet No. 6.2, FEMA, 2010, PDF at P-312, Homeowners Guide to Retrofitting 3rd Edition, 2014, PDF at P-774, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings and Earthquakes: Developing Successful Risk Reduction Programs, October 2009, PDF at Websites accessed August 18, 2017.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Alcholism
Alcohol abuse is a problem that seems to affect a large proportion of the population. This disease does not discriminate by color or sex. It only preys on those who choose to play Russian roulette and succumb themselves physically and emotionally. Those who feel that they can tempt the bottle without being bitten sometimes are not lucky enough to break away. Many times, those who are unfortunate enough to break their ties from alcohol abuse leave their next of kin with the same temptation. We are brought up to look forward to drinking alcohol. In which it is a problem that is socially overrated. It is a growing fad that is glorified and socially manipulated. From the beginning of birth, we have been brought up to think that drinking allows us to have a good time. Unfortunately, we are not taught that there are consequences of this so-called glamorous lifestyle. It has been noted that â€Å"alcoholism is genetic†¦.45% of alcoholism is caused by genetics, 60% by factors that we do not understand.†(Alcoholism Treatment, Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, URL: www For example, â€Å"two identical twins are split at birth and raised in two different areas of the world. If one becomes an alcoholic, it is 40% likely that the other twin will also become an alcoholic.†(Alcoholism Treatment, Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, URL: Those who live with an alcoholic or have an alcoholic in their family are affected as well. These people tend to see drinking as a way to cope with problems, or believe that the abuse of alcohol is okay. These learned behaviors become a pattern that is repeated. It has been reported that â€Å"43% of U.S. adults have been exposed to alcoholism in the family: they grew up with, married an alcoholic, problem drinker, or had a blood relative who was ever an alcoholic or problem drinker.†(National Center For Health Statistics {NCHS}, Advance Data, USDHHS, No. 205... Free Essays on Alcholism Free Essays on Alcholism Alcohol abuse is a problem that seems to affect a large proportion of the population. This disease does not discriminate by color or sex. It only preys on those who choose to play Russian roulette and succumb themselves physically and emotionally. Those who feel that they can tempt the bottle without being bitten sometimes are not lucky enough to break away. Many times, those who are unfortunate enough to break their ties from alcohol abuse leave their next of kin with the same temptation. We are brought up to look forward to drinking alcohol. In which it is a problem that is socially overrated. It is a growing fad that is glorified and socially manipulated. From the beginning of birth, we have been brought up to think that drinking allows us to have a good time. Unfortunately, we are not taught that there are consequences of this so-called glamorous lifestyle. It has been noted that â€Å"alcoholism is genetic†¦.45% of alcoholism is caused by genetics, 60% by factors that we do not understand.†(Alcoholism Treatment, Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, URL: www For example, â€Å"two identical twins are split at birth and raised in two different areas of the world. If one becomes an alcoholic, it is 40% likely that the other twin will also become an alcoholic.†(Alcoholism Treatment, Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, URL: Those who live with an alcoholic or have an alcoholic in their family are affected as well. These people tend to see drinking as a way to cope with problems, or believe that the abuse of alcohol is okay. These learned behaviors become a pattern that is repeated. It has been reported that â€Å"43% of U.S. adults have been exposed to alcoholism in the family: they grew up with, married an alcoholic, problem drinker, or had a blood relative who was ever an alcoholic or problem drinker.†(National Center For Health Statistics {NCHS}, Advance Data, USDHHS, No. 205...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Bobs Your Uncle!
Bobs Your Uncle! Bobs Your Uncle! Bobs Your Uncle! By Maeve Maddox An expression I learned to love during the time I lived in England was Bobs your uncle! Thanks to international sports events, the saying is better known in the States now than it used to be. You tack it onto a set of instructions that are meant to lead to an easy solution: Question: How do I make this work? Answer: Put Tab A into Tab B, turn this little screw, and Bobs your uncle! Question: Can you direct me to the Green Man? Answer: Carry on to the corner, turn right, go past the greengrocers, turn right again, and Bobs your uncle! The expressions origin is shrouded in mystery. A frequent explanation cites the nepotism of British Prime Minister Robert Cecil, Lord Salisbury, who appointed his nephew Arthur Balfour to the post of Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1887. The idea is that if your uncle happens to be the Prime Minister, anything is easy. The difficulty with this explanation is that the earliest known use of the phrase Bobs your uncle is from 1932. Another possibility offered is that it may derive from 18th thieves slang: all is bob, meaning all is safe. The Phrase Finder suggests that a music hall song published in 1931 may have been the source: Bobs your uncle Follow your Uncle Bob He knows what to do Hell look after you I think its more likely that the song derived from the saying. Well probably never discover the origin of this delightful expression. Its lack of discernible sense suggests an origin in the folk etymology that causes a misheard foreign word or phrase to dwindle into pronounceable English nonsense. For example: hocus-pocus: a scrambled version of Latin Hoc est corpus meum, this is my body, words from the Catholic Mass kickshaw: English approximation of French quelque chose, something (A kickshaw is a doodad, a whatnot, a thingamajig, a something or other.) Smackover: Arkansas place name thought to be from French chemin couvert, covered way love: tennis score notation (meaning zero), from French loeuf, egg (the shape of a zero resembles that of an egg) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their Synonyms15 Idioms for Periods of Time
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Funding report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Funding report - Essay Example Funding for music comes in various shades and forms. It could be in the form of grants, education scholarships, competitions, free music promotion, recording contracts, and instrument and equipment funding. We could categorise the different types of music business funding based on by source of funds, geographical region where fund can be used and so on. In this paper we shall restrict the discussion to the different sources of funding for music businesses available to persons living within the UK. Towards the end of the paper we shall place an emphasis on funding for pop and rock music. Starting with sources of public funding, there are three main government funded bodies that offer funding for music in England. These are the Arts Council England, the British Council and UK Trade and Investment (UKTI). Local counties also offer funding in form of small grants to artists who reside within those counties. With internationalism and globalisation being the drivers of modern economy the three bodies have also taken steps to strengthen the British music brand internationally. Arts Council England provides grants to a diverse genre of music therefore competition is definitely high and success is generally determined by the artistic quality of the applicant’s work (Artistic Assessment n.d.). The Arts Council’s Grants for the Arts is open to any UK citizen or EU citizen so long as the majority of the funded activity takes place within England. However, up to 15% of any grant given could be spent on activities outside England (Artistic Assessment n.d.). The Arts Council also has an investment portfolio for music that includes more than 134 regularly funded organisations. The total financial support given to these organisations in 2008/09 was  £98 million, an amount that was to rise to  £104 million by 2010/11. This portfolio
Friday, October 18, 2019
The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or Essay
The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or is there a special difficulty in preventing infections by Staphylococcus Aureus and Clostr - Essay Example Methcillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium Difficile have both been dubbed as superbugs one after the other, but differ in their media exposure. Issues on the first have been reported to be blown out of proportion2 while the importance of the second had not caught much public awareness.3 In terms of public safety, however, attempts to inform or educate the public underscore all the more the need to evaluate sources of information and education before they are believed, in light of the public scare that media have created about them. MRSA has been reported by media as a potentially killer ‘superbug’ which common antibiotics have not stemmed. For the 10 year period from 1995 through 2005 of newspaper coverage of MRSA that researchers4 analyzed, MRSA reporting came around with the notion of you-or-me to blame. Guardian5 summarized the MRSA hospital superbug story thus- A bloke with no microbiology qualifications in unaccredited garden shed â€Å"laboratory†finds MRSA on swabs given to him by undercover tabloid journalists for their â€Å"dirty hospital scandal†stories, but proper labs cannot find MRSA in the same places that this â€Å"leading MRSA expert Dr Chris Malyszewicz†(with his unaccredited American correspondence course PhD) has, and proper microbiologists have very good reasons for believing that the methods of this â€Å"expert†(who incidentally sells a range of anti-MRSA products) could not distinguish between harmless skin bacteria and MRSA6 It is noted that the blame centered on why it spreads – the lack of cleanliness in hospitals – and not on its origin.7 As a result, the National Health Service is seen as mismanaged. Nevertheless, in the Hansard files8 it is the credibility of source that is put into question: the tabloid, Evening Standard, covering the story, including the â€Å"expert†who is considered as the source of the tests - Lord Warner replied: â€Å"I entirely agree with you about the laboratory
Archaic age in Greek Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Archaic age in Greek Society - Essay Example The literacy has been spread slowly, which has been lost in dark ages. As a result, the democracy blossomed by the end of archaic age, though there is instability in the society. The most important fact that needs attention regarding the activities of archaic age is regarding the change in the way Greeks constructed their world. The reconstruction includes laws and customs as well as themselves. The above mentioned reconstruction in archaic age has made Greeks unique and different from the people of other parts of Europe. Though there is frustration in the society during this period, it has witnessed gradual changes in all walks of life of Greek society (Carol Dougherty, Leslie Kurke, 2007).1 In the period between Hesiod and Persian, which is known as archaic age, women did develop themselves literally and challenged men in poetry and writing. N.S. Gill (2009) quotes about Sappho who defeated the great Pindar in verse competition five times and these marks the era of advance of women when compared to that of dark ages, when there is no such situation. Artemisia of Halicarnassus was taken as threat by Greeks and they offered a bounty on her head and this gives the instance of prominence, the women got in archaic age, which is in contrast with that of women in dark ages. The contrast is that the women in dark ages do not have that much prominence and used to be treated as things of physical beauty like Helen of Troy. However, Gill claims the evidence regarding women is from Athens and states that in case of middle class and lower classes of society, the women is treated as a liability. The same thing though may be true in case of dark ages, only the evidence regarding wome n as pleasure thing were popular. Though the women are treated as liability, there existed some sort of opportunities and to own property in Sparta and to participate in trade activities. Another important aspect that's a reason to treat a woman as liability in family is the burden of paying dowry and this context is not well observed previously. As it is a convention in archaic age for women to marry a man of older age than her, the lower status when compared to men is clear. However, Priestesses and Prostitutes used to wield power in some contexts (N.S.Gill, (2009).2 Comparison of Situation in Dark Age to Archaic Age Hence, it is clear that the political situation in the society is reason for any development. In contrast to above mentioned activities of women in archaic age, the Dark Age witnessed local conflicts, economic disruptions and movements of peoples between 1200 BC to 1000 BC. As a result Mycenaean civilisation in Greece has been destroyed and thus cities were weakened as well as the kingdoms based on them. The situation is not that much worse in archaic age as it witnessed the rise of women and it is possible with reasonable tranquillity and peace for an extended period of time. Another important contrast between Dark Age and archaic age is that, not many records are available regarding the situation of dark ages, but in case of archaic age,
Heather Fraser, Mae Shaw and Paulo Freires View of Communitarianism Essay
Heather Fraser, Mae Shaw and Paulo Freires View of Communitarianism - Essay Example From the report findings it is clear a community represents a high level of employing an elementary preposition of political and social contribution. Neighbourhoods, families and churches all form part of the entire community despite the political and moral interpretations. Despite many differences across the globe, a community constitutes shared values and goals that coincide with the individual interests. In addition, community members have an instrumental value that built a personal relationship for different members to enjoy a sense of ownership. Most importantly, members of a community enjoy a sense of identity that allows them to enjoy various present conditions. The paper states that friendship has been an instrumental factor in defining different relationships. On other hand, this has failed in many instances, as it does not converge solidarity. Arguably, this is because of communal concerns and other issues such as sexual practices as well as understanding of the universe. Above all, communitarianism remains a viewpoint that has significantly affected the community. Despite going through change from one community to another, the term community probably remains an umbrella words that has not change meaning but only use. In his book, Four different approaches to community participation Heather Fraser presents a theoretical orientation of communitarianism from different approaches.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Others Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Others - Case Study Example nge, entry or exit of key competitors, globalization, the Internet and the new dynamics it creates, decline in business risk and uncertainty, changes in efficiency and cost, changes in the long-term growth of the industry, changing societal issues and concerns, changes in product acquisition and use, influx of technical knowhow in more companies and countries, changes in government policy and regulations, and rising preference among consumers for differentiated goods rather than commodity goods (Hill and Jones 61). Industry key success factors (KSFs) are the forces that have the biggest influence on companies’ ability to flourish in their respective industries. They include core competencies, product features, business outcomes, specific strategic factors, resources, and competitive capabilities that determine the difference between profit and loss and, eventually, between competitive ability and failure (Hill and Jones 48). By their true nature, KSFs are so important that all industry stakeholders must be wary of them; they are the determinants of market success. They are also the doctrines that define whether a firm will be financially and competitively capable. When identifying any industry’s KSFs, three questions can be used to guide the process. These are: Competitor A has more financial resources compared to other companies, but it has huge debts that have lowered its investor appeal and affected its ability to secure financing for key projects. Other firms post average profits but have managed to reduce their debt and achieve slow but stable growth. Colin’s alternatives include reinventing products in order to achieve differentiation. Other options include targeting new markets in which competition is not as stiff (Hill and Jones 26). There is also the option of adopting more aggressive marketing strategies that ensure the market share does not decline. This will facilitate direct competition with rivals and maintain relevance despite prevailing
Arguments for Assisted Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Arguments for Assisted Suicide - Essay Example This becomes a less volatile terminology that can be discussed on terms that do not suggest sin, mental instability, and can call into question policies of illegality. A definition of voluntary euthanasia is that it â€Å"takes place when a patient who is dying or who is in intolerable pain asks someone to help him or her to die to avoid any further suffering†(Cleave, 2001, p. 22). Most cultures, including the Western culture, is very linguistically affected by how different terminologies are used to define a topic. However, the word euthanasia is more often associated with the act of putting down an animal, so therefore that term is also not sufficient for the discussion. Suicide and Culture The event in question concerns helping someone who for one reason or another has decided to end their life. The most basic reason for suicide, that an individual is miserable and decides to end a life that has become unbearable purely for reasons that are based upon how they feel within their life, is a type of suicide that cannot be socially supported in Western cultures. According to Barnes, Golden, and Peterson (2010), men complete suicide more often than women, Montana has a higher rate of suicide over New Jersey, and people in the Eastern European country of Belarus have a higher rate of suicide than the United States. China, on the other hand, has a much higher rate of completed suicide by women than men. Culture is highly relevant to the rate of suicide and more importantly, 60% of all suicides are attributed to depression. Attributing suicide to depression, however, is based upon theory rather than medical evaluation and is a culturally based... Once again, it is how the topic is discussed that frames the event, the language that is used in forming the concept that defines its presence within society. The association to depression, while a clinically evaluated disease, is still a disease that is assessed through a determination and is often undiagnosed previous to the event of suicide.  Therefore, the cultural assessment of suicide is that it occurs because individuals have been influenced by a feeling of despair that is caused by mental illness, therefore it cannot have been a decision made through sound and evaluative thinking. This social evaluation of suicide has influenced the way in which the choice to end one’s life because of terminal illness has been assessed. Society has yet to acknowledge the benefits of assisted suicide when the decision has been made to end one’s own suffering, but the event of suicide is best done under the care of a medical professional, or a friend who helps to ease the b urden of self inflicting the event of suicide. Finding a relatively painless way to die when life has become unbearable is not a right that has been given in the United States. Assisting someone else to die is considered murder and is a burden to anyone who agrees to provide that service. Dr. Jack Kevorkian Dr. Jack Kevorkian is the most renowned physician to support assisted suicide. His beliefs extended to anyone who desired to end their own life. One of the more famous quotes from this doctor was simply that â€Å"dying is not a crime†.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Others Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Others - Case Study Example nge, entry or exit of key competitors, globalization, the Internet and the new dynamics it creates, decline in business risk and uncertainty, changes in efficiency and cost, changes in the long-term growth of the industry, changing societal issues and concerns, changes in product acquisition and use, influx of technical knowhow in more companies and countries, changes in government policy and regulations, and rising preference among consumers for differentiated goods rather than commodity goods (Hill and Jones 61). Industry key success factors (KSFs) are the forces that have the biggest influence on companies’ ability to flourish in their respective industries. They include core competencies, product features, business outcomes, specific strategic factors, resources, and competitive capabilities that determine the difference between profit and loss and, eventually, between competitive ability and failure (Hill and Jones 48). By their true nature, KSFs are so important that all industry stakeholders must be wary of them; they are the determinants of market success. They are also the doctrines that define whether a firm will be financially and competitively capable. When identifying any industry’s KSFs, three questions can be used to guide the process. These are: Competitor A has more financial resources compared to other companies, but it has huge debts that have lowered its investor appeal and affected its ability to secure financing for key projects. Other firms post average profits but have managed to reduce their debt and achieve slow but stable growth. Colin’s alternatives include reinventing products in order to achieve differentiation. Other options include targeting new markets in which competition is not as stiff (Hill and Jones 26). There is also the option of adopting more aggressive marketing strategies that ensure the market share does not decline. This will facilitate direct competition with rivals and maintain relevance despite prevailing
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ethics Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethics Case - Essay Example n the case study, manly construction company, to eliminate and avoid the situation of insulating the vault with asbestos that may lead to health issues of the workers. The principle of fidelity reveals itself in the case whereby the manager ignores the commitment to remove and clean up the fallen asbestos insulating the overhead pipes and the vault. The principle of honesty is manifested by the manager’s constant implication that the asbestos cannot cause harm unless they are disturbed, while in reality, the asbestos naturally release particles to the environment causing lung cancer to those exposed. The inspection done by the county inspector on the building violation reveals the principle of lawfulness, which requires the individuals running a company obey the rule of law to uphold a free and democratic society. Rocky the manager for manly construction deserves all the blame from any worker in the company who gets a lung infection because of vault asbestos particles; hence, the revelation of the principle of autonomy. The management forces the workers to work under unhealthy condition posed by the presence of asbestos in vaults, which is a wrong move for the company by threatening to suck any workers who complains of the asbestos. This is wrong because it denies the workers freedom and democratic rights. The main conflict in this case is the differing issue of health risk posed by the asbestos by the workers and the company’s management, which affect the employees, county inspector and the company’s president, Rocky. The process of resolving a problem through the perspective of consequentialist involves the evaluation of the rightness of the consensus among the parties involved in the conflict based on the consequences, also referred to as utilitarianism. Applying utilitarianism to the Blow the Whistle or Breathe Insulation case, there a two options that can be considered. The first option is removing all the asbestos lining the wallboard and overhead
Monday, October 14, 2019
Social Work Essay
Social Work Essay Social work is a profession that focuses on people of all ages. The definition given by the International Federation of Social Workers is, The above definition states that social work values include solving problems, enhancing well-being, human rights, social justice, empowerment, social change and liberation. The definition of the word values differs depending on whether you are talking about personal values or professional values. Personal values are a set of principles that support peoples actions or behaviours. Professional values are guidelines like the Code of Practice set up by the Care Council for Wales that all social care workers must adhere to. As a social worker our personal values must not interfere with our professional values. We must be professional at all times. The role of a social worker is to shield vulnerable people, develop relationships and where possible help families to stay together while sticking to these guidelines. They also support people to enable them to live a happy life as possible. Social workers work as part of multi-disciplinary teams with other professions such as education, health and probation services. This is to make sure that all aspects of the service users life is taken into consideration when help is being discussed. If this is completed effectively no aspect of the service users life if left without any help if it is needed. Social workers work in various different organisations. Some work for local authorities in children and adult services departments there are also social workers working in hospitals and the voluntary and private sector. The above value of social justice includes the need for resources to be distributed evenly amongst all members of society, to ensure that basic human needs are met. It is the members of society that are socially excluded that find it difficult to access these resources. Many people that social workers work with are socially excluded and discriminated against for a number of reasons. Social exclusion is defined as, Social exclusion describes a way of life where opportunities are few, services are difficult to access and people lose hope. It is caused and upheld by a set of linked, and often recurring, problems like low income, lack of work, poor health, low educational attainment, living in a poor physical environment and high levels of crime. As a result of social exclusion it is difficult to reduce poverty and malnutrition due to the people who are socially excluded being more difficult to reach. People with less money are more likely to have poor levels of health and education. This is particularly true when lack of money is paired with lack of basic needs. Discrimination is also a big part of being socially excluded. Discrimination has been apparent as far back a 1834 with the Poor Law Amendment Act where people where categorised as either deserving or undeserving poor. The deserving poor included widows, the very old and the very ill, the undeserving poor included unmarried mothers. Some members of society still hold these views today. Members of society can be discriminated against for many reasons including age, race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. Discrimination has negative affects for both the individual and society. It could result in the individual being too scared to leave the house for fear of being called names or in some cases attacked due to their race. This could cause them to become isolated which could cause depression. It is the responsibility of a social worker to see past the age of a service user or their race and to help them as an individual. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2000) cited in Horner (2007, pg 141) talks about social work values and states that, It is important that at all times social workers practice in an anti oppressive and anti -discriminatory way. Both terms are often used interchangeably but the meaning of oppressive is different to that of discriminatory. Anti-discriminatory practice is compulsory by legislation. This started in the Sex Equality Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Children Act 1989. Equality is a basic principle with regards to the work the Welsh Government are doing. Before devolution there was no logical approach to inequalities in Wales. In Wales: A better country, it states that, There are differing levels of social exclusion depending on the area in which you live. Access to resources is easier If you live in the centre on Cardiff as you are close to all of the amenities you may need, for example a Doctors surgery if you are felling unwell or a supermarket selling copious amounts of fruit and vegetables to help provide a healthy balanced diet. If you live on the outskirts of the city where there are less houses and more open fields, you have further to travel to see a doctor or access fruit and vegetables, in most cases you need a car to access these and need to have good health in general to be able to make the journey. In 1998, twelve out of twenty-two Local Authorities in Wales had a higher percentage of unfit housing than the Welsh average of 8.5 percent (Welsh Government, 2006). This means that more than 8.5 percent of housing in over half of Wales wasnt suitable for people to live in. The issues social workers in Wales may come across are not only different depending on where in Wales they work but with Wales being a multi-cultural society they may come across a service user whose first language is different to their own. This does not just refer to people speaking Welsh but also people speaking other languages from all over the World, for example, Polish and Indian amongst others. Without prior knowledge of this, it is difficult to accommodate and you may find that your questions are now fully being understood or you are not fully understanding the questions. If you know in advance it may be possible to arrange for an interpreter, this would mean that the conversation is understood and you are more likely to give that service user the help that they need. Social services in Wales are delivered to the people by the twenty-two local authorities and around 1,800 voluntary and private organisations. The law requires Local authorities to provide Social Services. There are 150,000 people in Wales that are supported by social services. The Welsh Governments responsibilities for funding, setting the policy, reviewing, inspecting and regulating social services, cover, adult and child care, support and advice, grants and community voluntary care. The foundation of the Welsh Governments Social Services and Social Care work is the 10 year strategy Fulfilled Lives, Supportive Communities. The strategy is put to local authorities who have a responsibility, In conclusion, the role of a social worker is very varied and complex. Social workers face many issues while working with service users and their families. They work with people of all ages. There are many values that social workers must work to which can be found in the code of practice, outlined by the Care Council for Wales. Promoting social justice is a very important value that all social workers but work towards with service users. Everyone had personal values that they have developed as they have grown older but it is important that social workers stick to the professional values that they have agreed to uphold at all times and that their personal values do not interfere with these. Social workers work with the most vulnerable members of society and to ensure professionalism they stick to guidelines at all times. To help service users, multi-disciplinary teams are set up. These make sure that all aspect of the service users life is taken into consideration when trying to help them. It is not only Local Authorities that have social workers as part of the teams, there are also social workers working in the voluntary and private sector. The value of social justice includes the need for resources to be distributed evenly to all of society. It is the members of society that are socially excluded that find it hard to access these resources. People who are socially excluded have fewer opportunities and very often lose hope. It can be difficult to address social exclusion as people who are socially excluded are difficult to reach. Discrimination is a big part of social exclusion. People can be discriminated against because of their age, race, ethnic origin, gender and sexual orientation amongst others. There are only negative effects of discrimination which could lead to depression. Levels of social exclusion can be different depending on where people live, so no two social workers work with identical service users because they just do not exist.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Great People :: miscellaneous
Great People Only great men are marked with great faults.†This quotation from â€Å"Maxims†was written by La Rochefoucauld. He states that people with nobility of their minds create many mistakes throughout their lives. This quotation is only partially correct, people do indeed have faults but it is these faults that restrict them from being great. Every person has done unpleasant acts that disassociate them from being a great person. Each day, people break society's norms or rules and most feel they have done nothing wrong. A man who has sex with the under aged girl has a justification for his actions. He tells himself that she knew what she was getting into even though he did actually rape her. Just as a man with his wife’s blood on his hands justifies that she deserved her punishment for not following his rules. Everyone breaks some form of laws through out the day. People who do not see themselves as criminals break laws, for instance the average speeder or traffic light runner. These people are in a hurry and do not want the hassle of stopping or slowing down instead they go on and have an accident. Each person has their own way of justifying their actions. Most people blame someone else for their own actions because to them they did nothing wrong. While others compare their actions to the actions of others who did a deed far worse than theirs. With this constant justification of our negative traits peoples' views of reality begin to become distorted and lost. With distortion of reality the whole society begins to shift into a greatless nation of sinners. Some people who are thought of being great discover inventions that injure or take others’ lives. For example Albert Einstein, he was the discoverer of atomic energy. This energy has been used to devastate entire cities and kill uncountable numbers of people. Atomic energy emits a massive amount of radiation that pollutes our air, water, and land leaving large areas inaccessible for years to come. Is this the work of a great individual? No, a great person would not create something that would be this destructive. Albert Einstein obviously did not know the full extent of his discovery. He did not take the time to completely research all the possibilities and consequences that came with his findings. So in other words the human race is still paying for his mistakes.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Social Class In The Us And Britain Essay examples -- American History
Social Class in the US and Britain Although the United States was a British Colony in the early 1700s, the differences between the two were definitely noticeable, especially in the socioeconomic fields, mostly due to the fact that slavery played a much larger role in the United States. At least from the moment in 1620 when the Mayflower anchored off Cape Cod, there has been an American Dream. Though hard to define, it usually entails the concept of freedom, justice and equality. Despite variations in the content of the dream there is one constant, the American Dream is a dream of the future and as such implies the idea of progress, change and equality. Our dreams may differ from those of the men who wrote the Mayflower Compact because they expressed a dream more by implication than by statement, yet the men who subscribed to it clearly felt that they were engaged in an effort to establish a better order of society than their fathers had known. In the US, Colonial Society was composed of several social classes. These in turn determined political rights, legal rights, personal attire, and many other trivial aspects of society. (1727: Colonial America) For example, in church and in college, people were seated according to their social status. The differences among the social classes were very noticeable, and birth and pedigree counted for more than they do today. (Population and Social Rank) The ruling class consisted of the gentry, whose definition varied from North to South. Generally, they owned farms or plantations and were merchants, doctors, lawyers, or ministers. (1727: Colonial America) In the North, this also included clergymen, college professors, and great landowners in New York. In the South, the gentry were u... ...r on triangular trade and made the concept familiar with US citizens. In a way, the British almost used the US as a way of testing if slavery would work, but in the end gave their colony too much power and wealth, leading to the Independence. Works Cited Deary, Terry. The Gorgeous Georgians. London, England: Scholastic Children's Books, 1998. Gordon, Edward J.. American Literature. 4th Edition. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co. Publishers, 1975. Several Authors. "1727: Colonial America." 2001-2007. 16 Apr 2008 . Sommerville, J.P.. "Social Structure." University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department. 20 Apr 2008 . Whitten, Chris. "Population and Social Rank." History of the USA. 2001-2007. 09 Apr 2008 . Social Class In The Us And Britain Essay examples -- American History Social Class in the US and Britain Although the United States was a British Colony in the early 1700s, the differences between the two were definitely noticeable, especially in the socioeconomic fields, mostly due to the fact that slavery played a much larger role in the United States. At least from the moment in 1620 when the Mayflower anchored off Cape Cod, there has been an American Dream. Though hard to define, it usually entails the concept of freedom, justice and equality. Despite variations in the content of the dream there is one constant, the American Dream is a dream of the future and as such implies the idea of progress, change and equality. Our dreams may differ from those of the men who wrote the Mayflower Compact because they expressed a dream more by implication than by statement, yet the men who subscribed to it clearly felt that they were engaged in an effort to establish a better order of society than their fathers had known. In the US, Colonial Society was composed of several social classes. These in turn determined political rights, legal rights, personal attire, and many other trivial aspects of society. (1727: Colonial America) For example, in church and in college, people were seated according to their social status. The differences among the social classes were very noticeable, and birth and pedigree counted for more than they do today. (Population and Social Rank) The ruling class consisted of the gentry, whose definition varied from North to South. Generally, they owned farms or plantations and were merchants, doctors, lawyers, or ministers. (1727: Colonial America) In the North, this also included clergymen, college professors, and great landowners in New York. In the South, the gentry were u... ...r on triangular trade and made the concept familiar with US citizens. In a way, the British almost used the US as a way of testing if slavery would work, but in the end gave their colony too much power and wealth, leading to the Independence. Works Cited Deary, Terry. The Gorgeous Georgians. London, England: Scholastic Children's Books, 1998. Gordon, Edward J.. American Literature. 4th Edition. Boston, MA: Ginn & Co. Publishers, 1975. Several Authors. "1727: Colonial America." 2001-2007. 16 Apr 2008 . Sommerville, J.P.. "Social Structure." University of Wisconsin-Madison History Department. 20 Apr 2008 . Whitten, Chris. "Population and Social Rank." History of the USA. 2001-2007. 09 Apr 2008 .
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Song Dynasty: Interactions Essay
The Song set up supervised markets along the border to encourage trade between them and its neighbors. In 971CE the government established the first Maritime Trade Supervisorate followed by four others. Its roles included the taxation of imported goods, government purchase and sale of imported goods, and to issue foreign trade permits for local merchants. Chinese goods that flowed north in large quantities included tea, silk, copper coins, paper and printed books etc. The return flow included horses that Song needed desperately for its armies but also other animals and goods that had traveled across the Silk Road. There was also vigorous sea trade with Korea, Japan and lands to the southwest. During Song times this maritime trade for the first time exceeded overland foreign trade. About fifty countries carried out overseas trade with the Song Dynasty. Chinese ships were seen all throughout the Indian Ocean and began to displace Indian and Arab merchants in the South Seas. Shards of Song Chinese porcelain have been found as far away as eastern Africa. ?The Song Dynasty: Interactions The Song set up supervised markets along the border to encourage trade between them and its neighbors. In 971CE the government established the first Maritime Trade Supervisorate followed by four others. Its roles included the taxation of imported goods, government purchase and sale of imported goods, and to issue foreign trade permits for local merchants. Chinese goods that flowed north in large quantities included tea, silk, copper coins, paper and printed books etc. The return flow included horses that Song needed desperately for its armies but also other animals and goods that had traveled across the Silk Road. There was also vigorous sea trade with Korea, Japan and lands to the southwest. During Song times this maritime trade for the first time exceeded overland foreign trade. About fifty countries carried out overseas trade with the Song Dynasty. Chinese ships were seen all throughout the Indian Ocean and began to displace Indian and Arab merchants in the South Seas. Shards of Song Chinese porcelain have been found as far away as eastern Africa.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Emotion language term paper Essay
The differences between happiness, joy and gladness1.IntroductionThe concept of happiness can be characterized by three separate prototypes, which all refer to happiness but each approaches the concept of happiness from a slightly different meaning. The differences reveal mainly in the intensity of the emotion. Therefore it is very interesting how these differences appear in the English language. It is important to see these differences because our society is based on happiness and to reach the main goal of ones life it is good to understand the differences in the conceptualizations of happiness. 2.The three prototypesThe source domain of the three prototypes are taken from the class notes of Emotion Language, from the study of Zoltà ¡n Kà ¶vecses: Emotion concepts: from happiness to guiltA cognitive semantic perspective and definitions form The first prototype is called joy which according to is an intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness and the expression or manifestation of such feeling. In other words, joy covers an immediate response of happiness. This means that this word is used to represent a sudden feeling that is self-enabling and comes from within . The next type is called the existential happiness which is a major value in life that people want to reach. This is a general feeling about being happy, therefore it is expressed by the word happiness. In this word is described as an agreeable feeling or condition of the soul arising from good fortune or propitious happening of any kind; the possession of those circumstances or that state of being which is attended with enjoyment; the state of being happy; contentment; joyful satisfaction; felicity; blessedness. The last type of happiness is gladness, which is the less intense out of the three types. According to the word glad is experiencing or exhibiting joy and pleasure. This feeling can be explained in other words like gratifying, pleasurable, very willing, bright and cheerful. 3.The major differences in meaningAccording to the Internet joy and happiness are more commonly occur in the same context than joy and glad or happiness and glad so there are a number of studies and articles about happiness versus joy. The reason for this on the one part is that they have a close relation in meaning so it is not as univocal therefore many people does not recognize the differences or has improper thoughts about it. On the other part glad seems to be clearly terminated in meaning in the usage of the English language. Accordingly, there are many conceptualizations about the differences between joy and happiness on the Internet. On the one hand, in a forum about happiness, the opinion of a person named Suviko was: joy is something you feel shortly, temporary moment, a passing good feeling. Happiness is having that for longer period of time and it is more general, not as much targeted feeling . This explanation perfectly reflects the differences between joy and the existential happiness according to the study of Kà ¶vecses. But as it appears in some articles on the internet, this is not the only realization that is considered as the concept of happiness and joy. On the other hand, there is an essay about happiness versus joy which claims that happiness is fleeting and it comes from the fulfillment of ones desires, therefore happiness is dependent upon something while joy can be continuous and it comes from within . The main difference between the two conceptualization is the quantity of the feeling. In the first statement the duration of the feeling of joy takes less time than happiness while in the second statement joy lasts for longer. This proves that there are some differences in the conceptualization of the first two prototypes of happiness. Besides the differences the main idea about the intensity of the two prototypes reflects everywhere that happiness is more intense. In his study Vic Lebouthillier writes that happiness comes from circumstances like buying a new car or passing an exam while joy is rather appears as inner thankfulness for the constants of life such as nature, freedom, relationships with people, or through having faith in something larger than ourselves . It is also mentioned that happiness is an automatic reaction of people for the happenings of the outside world. In contrast, joy does not come automatically, it is a learned reaction that people have to practice to live a complete emotional life. This points to the fact that the main point in most of the articles on the internet is based on this idea: It is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not affected by the things that happen to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we must strive to find the joy within. We must educate ourselves about joy and work to enhance it in our lives.Gladness is the less intense emotional feeling from the three prototypes of happiness. In The Free Dictionary webpage it is pointed out that Glad often refers to the feeling that results from the gratification of a wish or from satisfaction with immediate circumstances: â€Å"Some folks rail against other folks, because other folks have what some folks would be glad of†Henry Fielding . In another conceptualization gladness is rarely or never equivalent to mirth, merriment, gayety, and triumph, and it usually expresses less than delight . According to these statements, it can be asserted that gladness is not only the less intense but it also lasts for the less period of time. Another proof for this can be found in an essay of Margaret Paul where she discusses the differences between happiness and pleasure, and where pleasure is a synonym for gladness. She points out that pleasurable experiences can give us momentary feelings of happiness, but this happiness does not last long because it is dependent upon external events and experiences . 4.Differences in language usageThe English language is rich in the metaphors and metonymies about the three prototypes of happiness. The source domain of this section is from Zoltan Kà ¶vecses: Emotion concepts: from happiness to guilt A cognitive semantic perspective. Happiness (existential happiness)Most of the happiness metaphors found on the internet come from quotations, poems and a lower percent can be found in non literary texts. Using the mappings of Kà ¶vecses I listed some of the metaphors that I found with the help of Google:1. Happiness is a fluid in a container: â€Å"Happiness is a positive cash flow.†– Fred Adler2. Happiness is warm: Happiness is a warm gun – The Beatles3. Happiness is insanity: Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination. – Mark Twain4. Happiness is light: Happiness is a Swedish sunset – it is there for all, but most of us look the other way and lose it. – Mark Twain5. Happiness is up: trying to bump up our happiness – Steven Winn6. Happiness is an animal: Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you Nathanial Hawthorne7. Happiness is a rapture: We pretended we could get drunk on root beer, and sometimes on those July nights, I think we were. Drunk with happiness. – Lisa LibowitzJoyInterestingly I could find a larger number of metaphors or metonymies on the internet than about joy in non literary articles rater than literary texts. Therefore, in contrast to happiness, it was harder to find metaphors that could belong to the list of Zoltà ¡n Kà ¶vecses. 1.Joy is fluid in a container: then you will look and be radiant,your heart will throb and swell with joy The Holly Bible (Isaiah 60:5-11)a place of joy and peace so full that you need nothing else2.Joy is being off the ground: Now I know when your house gets destroyed you won’t be jumping for joy.3.Joy is warm: A blush of joy mantled on Lizzie’s face, and her heart swelled with happiness John Quine (The Captain of the Parish)4.Joy is vitality: As I watch my grandmother tickle and play with the kids, I see her eyes light up with joy. – Jennifer Mallett5.Joy is opponent in a struggle: When her sick friend saw her, she was overcome with joy.6. Joy is a natural force: Ill flood your soul with the joy of cleanliness and the joy of discipline, which will redound to your good forever.7.Joy is a rapture: Inner success: Freedom from the identification with the mind and movement towards the ecstasy of the Truth . This will lead us towards our inner joy8.Joy is up: He who kisses the joy as it flies. Lives in Eternitys sunrise. – William BlakeOne of the greatest joys known to man is to take a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge Robert Lynd9.Joy is light: The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy. Henry Ward BeecherGladnessIt was the hardest to find metaphors or metonymies on gladness. I found that the word glad is often used in religious terms on the internet but these were not expressed by metaphors or metonymies rather it refers to the loving of God and it follows that it is expressed on a very simple way. 1.Gladness is light: Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks. – Samuel JohnsonLight up your face with gladness Judy Garland2.Gladness is fluid in a container: A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. – Washington IrvingMay God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. – Irish Blessing3.Gladness is being in haven: Nations and men are only the best when they are the gladdest, and deserve heaven when they enjoy it. – Jean Paul Friedrich Richter5.ConclusionSumming up the above, there are differences between the three conceptualizations of happiness in meaning and it also turned out that people are interested in these questions because it is important to understand these to live a happy life. We also saw that the linguistic usage of happiness and joy are very similar to each other they still have that slight difference in meaning. From this point of view gladness metaphors were less frequent and were not as similar to the other two. BIBLIOGRAPHY Zoltà ¡n Kà ¶vecses: Emotion concepts: from happiness to guilt A cognitive semantic perspectivewww.answers.com
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Maximum-security prisons Essay
Abstract Maximum-security prisons are known to be designed and organized to prevent escapes and violence and to deter prisoners from harming one another including the correctional officers. Super-max facilities imposes strict limitations on the freedom of inmates and visitors. These prisons, usually an imposing edifice are prisons surrounded by high stone walls studded with guard towers. The purpose of these type of facilities is custody and discipline, it embraces military-style approach to order. Prisoners in custody under these facilities follow a strict routine. Inmates behavior is surveillanced, head counts are frequent eliminating the all the prisoners’ privacy. Introduction Supermax (short for â€Å"super-maximum security†) is the name used to describe â€Å"control-unit†prisons, or units within prisons, which represent the most secure levels of custody in the prison systems of certain countries. The objective is to provide long term, segregated housing for inmates classified as the highest security risks in the prison system  the â€Å"worst of the worst†criminals, and those who pose a threat to national and international security. (Mears, Daniel 2012) As stated in the Wiipedia the free Encyclopedia, Supermax and Security Housing Unit (SHU) prisons are controversial; some claim that the living conditions in such facilities violate the United States Constitution, specifically, the Eighth Amendment’s proscription against â€Å"cruel and unusual†punishments. In 1996, a United Nations team assigned to investigate torture described SHU conditions as â€Å"inhuman and degrading.†A 2011 New York Bar association comprehensive study suggested that supermax prisons constitute â€Å"torture under international law†and â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment under the U.S. Constitution.†In 2012, a federal class action suit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons and officials who run ADX Florence SHU (Bacote v. Federal Bureau of Prisons, Civil Action 1:12-cv-01570) alleged chronic abuse, failure to properly diagnose and neglect of prisoners who are seriously mentally ill. The U.S. government houses a number of convicted terrorists, gang leaders, spies, and similar prisoners in a supermax prison known as ADMAX, the Federal administrative maximum security prison in Florence, Colorado, west of Pueblo. Al-Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced to life without parole at Florence upon his conviction on May 4, 2006.Residents also include Theodore Kaczynski, a domestic terrorist otherwise known as the Unabomber, who once attacked via mail bombs; Robert Hanssen, an American FBI Agent turned Soviet spy; Terry Nichols, an accomplice to the Oklahoma City bombing; and Richard Reid, known as the â€Å"Shoe Bomber†, who was jailed for life for attempting to detonate explosive materials in his shoes while on board an aircraft. A lawsuit alleges severe abuse of federal prisoners at ADX-Florence in Colorado, what’s known as a supermax facility where many inmates are housed in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. It charges the government violates the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. Conclusion To conclude, I would recommend the super-max prisons to consider the lives of prisoners being locked-up having no privileges at all. I acknowledge the fact that they have committed horrible and heavy crimes and those acts that have already been made have caused damage to the state and/or the U.S. and that what has been done you cannot take back or undo but I strongly believe that these criminals should have at least a fair lock up there with a few privileges allowed in these maximum-security prisons. The prisons should allow the inmates to have at least some contact with other prisoners and a little more freedom. According to Mr. Arone (American Corrections p. 270) â€Å"If you lock a dog in a pen and throw food inside three times a day and never talk to him after a year when you open the pen you’re going to have a killer.†This makes absolute sense because I strongly believe that when a person is locked up in four walls with nothing to do or no one to talk to and with limited disgusting food thrown in, it will definitely make a person go crazy throughout the time. These criminals are already serving time for their crimes but I don’t agree that they should be treated like animals. This is severe abuse is called cruel punishment. To conclude, I would recommend the super-max prisons to consider the lives of prisoners being locked-up having no privileges at all. I acknowledge the fact that they have committed horrible and heavy crimes and those acts that have already been made have caused damage to the state and/or the U.S. and that what has been done you cannot take back or undo but I strongly believe that these criminals should have at least a fair lock up there with a few privileges allowed several times a week at the least in these maximum-security prisons. The prisons should allow the inmates to have at least some contact with other prisoners in hope of therapeatic communication, and a little more freedom for personal needs.
Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Business Management - Essay Example In order to increase the volume for offerings in the business flooring, the company should consider exploration of possible efficient promotional activities. Market leadership after all is concerned about creating a need for certain product and service offerings (Kotler et al., 1999; Boone and Kurtz, 2006).Considering that the mentioned company in the case is placing higher mark up with its paint business, it is good to start the promotional activity in here in order to create more demands for both flooring and paint offerings. In this specific situation, the company should initiate a strategy such as when the customers purchased higher volume of flooring materials, the prices of paint should be lowered utilizing its higher mark up. This would ensure that the sales of paints would increase and thus its profit while increasing the disposed volume for flooring materials. This is just a matter of creating a need for product or service offerings, which is a form of market leadership. Another important factor is internal which primarily considers the human resource. Control of manpower is important because it ensures corporate success especially high value for customers at the bottom line (Moeller, 2010). As stated in the case, the management and installers usually have conflict when it comes to payment which ends up with customer delays and shoddy works. This is not going to be healthy for the said company in the long run, most especially in building customer relationship. This could not substantially provide them with effective output in providing high value for customers and in the long run this would further result to lower revenue and eventually a slow down of business. The issue in here is not just about financial control, but it substantially involves the right approach to be initiated with effective handling of human resource. The human resource needs to be substantially controlled because it affects how the
Monday, October 7, 2019
A Study of Factors which Influence Management Student's Career Choices Dissertation
A Study of Factors which Influence Management Student's Career Choices after Graduating from Master's Degree - Dissertation Example Items of the questionnaire. 28 Table 2. Frequency and percentage distribution by gender. 33 Table 3. Frequency and percentage distribution by age. 33 Table 4. Frequency and percentage distribution by number of years since graduation from Masters in Management degree. 34 Table 5. Frequency and percentage distribution by ethnicity. 34 Table 6. Descriptive statistics: Extrinsic Factors (Status Orientation) 34 Table 7. Descriptive statistics: Intrinsic Factors: Self-realisation. 35 Table 8. Descriptive statistics: Intrinsic Factors: Self-determination 36 Table 9. ... Coefficient of determination: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 39 Table 15. One-way ANOVA: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 39 Table 16. Beta coefficients: Influences to career choice of Management graduates. 40 List of Acronyms There were no acronyms used in the research. An Investigation of the Factors which Influence Post-Graduate Management Students’ Career Choices: An Empirical Study Nameand ID Module code: Structured Abstract Purpose Overall, the present research aims to determine the factors that significantly influence the career objectives of management graduates. It aims to ascertain if extrinsic, intrinsic and interpersonal factors, along with personal and situational attributes significantly predict the choice of a management-related job or career by management graduates. Career objectives are referred to as the drivers of the career choice selected by an individual. As motivators, career objectives play a fundamental role in determining the career path of the individual and are thus quite significant in setting the career course of the person. Career objectives underlie the specific career choice and path that the individual will trod, including the job prospects that will be available for him; his future needs in monetary and psychological terms; and other key themes that determine the individual’s present satisfaction and his future intentions related to his profession. Being a fundamental factor in the process of determining the career path of an individual, career objectives are influenced by numerous factors. Subsequently, career objectives influence the preferred career choices of an individual. The myriad of effects presented by career objectives makes it quite essential to identify its influencing
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