Monday, January 27, 2020
Theory Of Child Development Children And Young People Essay
Theory Of Child Development Children And Young People Essay Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological system theory was created to focus on the quality and satisfaction of the childs environment. He believed that as a child grow and develop the way he/she interact with the environment becomes more complex. His theory was created to answer the question How does the environment helps or stops the development of a child? (Paquette, Ryan, 2001) The Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological system theory of child development has 5 systems that greatly impact the development of children. These systems consist of rules, norms and roles that is responsible for the shaping in childrens development. The names of these systems are microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. (schoolworkhelper- St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Growth and Development Theory: URIE BRONFENBRENNER (1917-2005), n.d). Microsystem is define as the direct environment a child lives in, including the childs interaction with any immediate relationship or organisation. The immediate relationship will be family members, peer groups, neighbourhood and the immediate organisation will be school or day-care. The way that these groups, schools and organisation interact with the child will play a major role in the childs development. The more warming, comfortable, encouraging, and nurturing the relationship and organisation are the better the child will develop and grow. (Oswalt, 2008). Also the impact of the relationship occurs in two directions; away from the child and toward the child. An example will be a childs parent may affect his/her behaviour but the child can also affect the behaviour of the parents. Urie Bronfenbrenner refers to this mechanism as bi-directional influences. (schoolworkhelper- St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Growth and Development Theory: URIE BRONFENBRENNER (1917-2005), n.d). A n example of bi-directional influence will be A friendly, attentive child is likely to evoke positive and patient reactions from parents, whereas an irritable or distractible child is more likely to be a target of parental impatience, restriction and punishment. (Collins etal. 2000; Crockenberg Leekers, 2003a). Mesosystem is use to describes the different parts of the microsystem such as home, school, neighbourhood and day-care working together for the benefit of the child (Oswalt, 2008). The way a parent and a child will interact with each other at home is likely to affect the way that child interacts with the caregiver in child care settings and vice versa. (Brek, 2000 ). An example of mesosytem will be if a childs caregiver plays an active role in school, such as volunteering to be a part of activities, attend parent teacher meetings, year level meetings, class meetings and even watching the child play games like soccer, basketball, tennis etc will help ensure the growth and development of the child. (Oswalt, 2008). This is because a childs academic process does not only depend on what goes on in the classrooms but the involvement of the parents or caregiver (Epstein Sanders, 2002), and as long as the parents or caregiver show interest in what the child is doing then the child will be w illing to do and achieve more which will result in proper growth and development. Another way to show how the mesosystem works in shaping the development of a child is by family-neighbourhood connections. For example a child that has an economic disadvantage can benefit greatly from family-neighbourhood relationship. You see, rich families do not depend on their immediate surroundings for social support or education. Therefore they can afford to take their children to lessons and better quality schools in other communities. ( Elliott etal. 1996). Now a poor family will depend on their immediate surroundings for social support and education. After school programmes that offer child care to families and art, music, sports, scouting, dancing, singing etc to the child are linked to improve the performance in school in middle age childhood and psychological adjustment.( Posner vandell,1994; Vandell posner, 1999). Religious youth groups and special interest clubs like circle K that is p rovided by neighbourhood organisation will help the development in adolescence, by raising their self-esteem, enhancing their performance and achievement at school and giving them the knowledge on how to behave responsibly in society. (Gonzales etal., 1996; Kerestes Youniss,2003). Exosystem refers to the places and people that the child may not interact with regularly but plays an important role in the child growth and development. These places and people will be the parents workplace, the neighbourhood, extended family members etc. An example of exosystem will be if a childs parent is fired or laid off from work then the household will only have one set of income or no income at all. This will result in the parent not being able to pay rent, buy groceries or even send the child to school which will negatively impact the child development and growth (Oswalt, 2008). In fact research confirms the negative impact of a break down in exosystem show an increase rates of conflict and child abuse.( Emery Laumann-billings, 1998). However if that child parent receives a promotion or a raise at work, then the parent can provide a proper home, satisfy the child needs when the child is hungry and send he/she to school which will positively impact the child development (Os walt, 2008). Macrosystem consist of all systems mention above, the cultures, the general beliefs, written and unwritten principles that governs everyone on society behaviours. These principles can either be legal, political, economic, religious or educational (schoolworkhelper- St. Rosemary Educational Institution. Growth and Development Theory: URIE BRONFENBRENNER (1917-2005), n.d). The macrosystem can be defined as the effect of larger principles having a cascading influence throughout the interactions of all other layers (Paquette, Ryan, 2001). For example: If in a particular culture the belief is that parents should have full responsibility of raising their child, it is highly unlikely that the culture will provide any resources to assist the parent. As a result the structures at which the parent functions will be affected. The parent ability or inability to handle the responsibility toward their child within the childs microsystem is affected (Paquette, Ryan, 2001). Chronosystem is refered to by Urie Bronfenbrenner as the temporal dimension of his model. The environment is always changing. Important events that may occur throughout a childs life like birth of a sibling, going to school for the first time, parents being divorce are able to alter existing relationships between that child and the environment resulting in new conditions that can affect development. Also the timing of environmental change affects the impact. For example: A toodler having a brother or sister will experience different consequence than a schhol-age child with activities and relationships beyond the family. As a child gets older they have the ability to select, modify and create many of their own settings and experiences. This ability depends on the child physical, intellectual, personal characteristics and their environmental opportunities. Children are both products and producers of their environment therefore both the child and the environment form a network of interd ependent effects in ecological system theory (Brek, 2000). So far we have outline Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological systems theory of child development. Now we will discuss how this theory informs the socialization agents that influence growth and development. Before we get into the discussion we will first define what a socialization agent is. A socialization agent is people like parents, family members, peers, teachers, social institutions like school, community centers and religious institutions that assist with incorporating an individual with society. There are 4 major agents of socialization in society; family, school, community culture and peers. The other agents will be mass media, gender and work. All the agents mentioned above are further divided into socialization groups. The groups are primary agents, secondary agents and social class. Primary agents of socialization are made up of people that are very close to the individual like family, teachers and friends. The most important primary agent of socialisation will be the family because they help shape the life, development and behaviour of an individual with in the society. Secondary agents of socialization are institutions that assist the individual in finding their place within the society. Secondary socialization agents include religious instutions, schools, community centers, work places etc. Schools are responsible for improving a child social skill which helps him/ her incorporate well with the surrounding society. Social classes will be the lower class, working middle class and higher elite class. In other words social class is dividing an individual within the society (Baxamusa, 2011). Now there is a better understand of what socialization agents are we can discuss how Urie Bronfenbrenner theory informs them. However the focus will only be on the socialization agents that influence growth and development. There are family, educators, schools and community centres. Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological theory informed educators in how to handle and analysis situation that may occur in schools whether it is pre-school, primary or secondary school. For example: Akelia is sitting in an art class using markers to draw pictures. Henderson joins her at the table and begins to cut scrap paper with a scissors. Akelia place a piece of paper in the centre of the desk, now Henderson thought that it was scrap paper and begin to cut it in pieces. Akelia looks over to what Henderson is doing, when she realise the paper Henderson was cutting was the piece she place in the centre, she jump up and shouted NO!!!!!! That is moms!! while pulling the paper out of Henderson hands. Suddenly Akelia punch Henderson in the ribs before the teacher can arrive at the desk. In this scenario an educator that is informed by Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological theory will conclude that Akelias mesosystem is aggressive or forceful and the way Akelias family members, neighbours or parents i nteract with her is violent or hostile resulting in Akelia developing that way towards others. So instead of punishing Akelia the educator will talk to her parents about her behaviour towards other and try to come to an agreement on how to deal with the situation so Akelia can grow and develop in a more positive way. This approach will be better than punishment because if Akelia is punish it will only make her more hostil. This is because Akelia thinks that her behaviour is right because that is what she knows from home and that is how she developed. Therefore she will not understand the reason she is being punish and will exhibit very hostile behaviour towards the educator and nothing will be resolved. Also the educator informed by Urie Bronfenbrenner theory will reflect on her class room environment or school environment to make sure that Akelias microsystem is not interacting with her in any violent or hostile way to make her respond to the situation the way she did. If the mesos ystem interaction with Akelia is violent or hostile then the educator will go to higher authorities to talk on how the school is interacting with students and how it is impacting the growth and development of students in a negative way. Urie Bronfenbrenner ecological theory informed programmes that are put in place in schools and communities centers. For example:The school may have sports programmes, social worker programmes, donation programmes and guidance counsellors to work with students who microsystem and mesosystem is broken where the parents or family members, home and neighbourhood are very aggressive, forceful, hostile violent towards the child resulting in the child being emotional scared and growing and developing into a very angry person. When this occur the guidance counsellor of the school will interact with the child, place the child in afterschool programs like sports to help release tension and violent energy, the guidance counsellor may also alert social workers to interact with the parents and try to make better environment for the child so the child can have great growth and development. Also students who exosystem may be broken or breaking down. For instance the mother might lost her job or sal ary has been cut and the child may be not attending school for long periods of time because the parents do not have sufficient funds to send him. When the child does attend school he is in fights because of the broken exosystem the parents are constantly fighting and on the verge to getting a divorce. This then leads to the child undergoing a life changing event which hinders his growth and development because he do not want to socialize or be a part of school activities or school. The school will have a guidance counsellor interact with the child and be there through the stages the help the child cope with the life changing events without hindering the growth and development. Also students who are in a particular culture that believe that parents should take full responsibility for raising their child and no resources are given to the parent. If the parents do not have the ability to take on that responsibility because one parent is handicap and the other addicted to drugs then the school donation programme will be able to provide for the child so the broken macrosystem will not hinder the child growth or development or cause the child to grow and develop in a negative way. Urie Bronfenbrenner
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Introduces her four major concerns illustrated in Silas Marner †Essay
Introduces her four major concerns illustrated in Silas Marner – namely village life. Within the very first paragraph on the book, Gorge Elliot introduces her four major concerns illustrated in Silas Marner – namely village life (of the late 18th century), superstition and belief, alienation and historical change (in this case specifically that caused by industrial revolution and the ending of the Napoleonic Wars). These concerns are closely woven together in the story (and in some cases real life) as can once again be seen in this opening two paragraphs and often can be looked at in relation to one another. Village life was probably Gorge Elliot’s primary focus when writing the novel and her anthropological investigations provide us with a fair deal of insight into it throughout the novel. The village of Raveloe is the setting for the majority of the story. The third line, while not introducing us to it per se, introduces us to the general idea of villages resembling it. It is said to be â€Å"far away among the lanes or deep in the bosom of the hills†. This is an important introduction, physically and psychologically distancing Victorian readers from Raveloe and making it seem totally different from the world they live in. In many ways, this difference is very real. Raveloe is still untouched by the effects of the industrial revolution that created the town Elliot’s readers are familiar with. It is Elliot’s objective to provide a comparison between Raveloe and such towns – represented in the novel by Lantern Yard. The opening paragraph also describes the villagers. They are described as â€Å"untraveled†and are very much uneducated. Knowledge to them is something suspicious, most likely due to the fact h... ...example of this would have to be the sentence â€Å"how was a man to be explained unless you at least knew somebody who knew his father or mother?†The point is that this is most certainly not true as a complete stranger new not be a dangerous or dishonest person. In this way Elliot lightly pokes fun at the attitudes of the villagers. Thus, it can be seen that within the opening two paragraphs, Elliot sets up the foundations of the primary concerns in this book. While, it is quite obviously not possible to go into anything resembling detail regarding any one of them, the paragraphs provide a platform upon which build up upon. The attitude and tone of the narrator, while not obviously apparent, can also be felt here. This opening basically serves as a generalization to which the life of Silas Marner, as detailed in the rest of the novel, is a specific example.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
My one Point Presentation Essay
What are the three strongest reasons to support your point of view? 1. Media Habits – Aggressive Attitudes and Behaviors 2. Impact on media violence on kids and young adults on the rise 3. Children and adults alike have become additive I. Introduction Video games have been in existed since the 1970’s, but it was not until the 1990’s that violent games came of age. Due to the numerous school shootings since the 1990’s, it attracted the attention of nation. Over the years, violent video games used both by children and adults have increased. II. Body: 1. Media Habits – Aggressive Attitudes and Behaviors Expert finding a. Youth violence resulting in deaths and injuries has direct and indirect costs in excess of $158 billion each year. b. Video game habits are significantly related to children’s hostile attribution scores, the frequency with which they get into arguments with teachers (by self-report), their grades, and their levels of hostility. 2. Impact on media violence on kids and young adults on the rise? Statistics a. 90% of U.S. youth aged eight to 18 play video games, with boys averaging about 19 hours a week and girls 5 hours a week. b. 70% of fourth to 12th graders report playing â€Å"Mature†-rated games (suitable for those 17 and older), which contain the most graphic violence of all. c. Children & College students who had played the violent children’s game displayed a 40% higher aggression rate than those who had played a nonviolent game. 3. Children and adults alike have become addictive. Testimony a. 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers meet the World Health Organization’s criteria for addiction. b. 88% of young people in the U.S. play video games, indicating that up to three million could be showing signs of addiction c. Nationwide survey – ages 8 to 18; found that 1 in 12 teens show signs of behavioral addiction to video games. III. Conclusion After 50 years of studying video games and trying to figure out what the cause that violent video games have on kids and young adult. We are still no closer to knowing the exact answer. With games today being more realistic and bloodier than ever; yet it is not at all clear whether, over longer periods, such a habit increases the likelihood that a person will commit a violent crime, like murder, rape, or assault, much less a Newtown or Columbine massacres. It is our responsibility to know our limits with anything in life, bottom line we will be held accountable for our actions.
Friday, January 3, 2020
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