Sunday, May 24, 2020
Understanding Schizophrenia And Biopsychological Case...
Analyzing Psychological Disorders: Understanding Schizophrenia and Biopsychological Case Studies of Anxiety and Drug Abuse Susan DeVoe University of Phoenix Analyzing Psychological Disorders: Understanding Schizophrenia and Biopsychological Case Studies of Anxiety and Drug Abuse Let us discuss and dive into the study of a disease called schizophrenia. We will be taking a look at its symptoms, its causes, the areas of the brain it affects, its neural basis, and the appropriate drug therapies for the disease. Having an informed understanding of the disease and what it entails is crucial to making sure patients that suffer from schizophrenia receive the proper treatment and care from their psychiatrists. Afterwards, we will also be looking at a couple of case studies involving anxiety and drug abuse. As for now, our focus will be on the terrible disease of schizophrenia. PART A: We shall begin with a bit of its history, as well as what schizophrenia actually consists of. The word schizophrenia is less than one hundred years old, and means â€Å"the splitting of psychic functions.†It affects only about one percent of the world’s population, however those it does affect are comprised of all races and cultures, and socio-economic factors have no effect on who developments schizophrenia. It typically has an onset of late adolescence to early adulthood. BOOK CHAPTER 18, P.467 If a person reaches the age of thirty without being diagnosed with schizophrenia, that person hasShow MoreRelatedSchool Violence2554 Words  | 10 PagesAbstract The socio-cultural and psychological dynamics of school going kids have been changing at a rapid rate in the recent decades in many countries. In most cases children, especially adolescents and young adults are showing increased tendencies of violence and aggression. Researches have shown that these aggressive tendencies which originate from different various different factors have excessively contributed to bullies and violence at schools. These problems are much more common in countries
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Australian Aborigines And Their Crisis - 1304 Words
Madison Lafitte Karol Chandler-Ezell Cultural Anthropology 231.001 11/17/2014 Australian Aborigines and their Crisis Australia’s Aborigines are often hailed as the world’s longest surviving culture, easily dating back 60,000 years, existing long before many ancient societies such as the Greeks and Romans. Since they are such an old culture many people wonder how they were able to remain in existence for so long while of culture perished around them. The answer can be found in their adaptive nature; having such a close bound with the land around them, taught the aboriginals the importance of change and adapting ( While it might be debatable that Australia’s natives are the longest surviving culture, there is no doubt that the Aborigines’ animistic religion is the oldest existing. Their religion is ripe with multiple different gods, often represented in the forms of animals or notable landscape features. There is no one central god, instead many deities were spread across the continent of Australia, each spirit fulfilling their role in the world. Creation beings were involved in the creation of the world, ancestral beings taught humans how to hunt and make weapons, totemic beings were the original form of animals. Being a culture that places high emphasize on their religion, many of the â€Å"dot art,†a form of painting or drawing that involves creating hundreds of small dots to create the overall picture, is often found in caves or the sides of rocks, the someShow MoreRelatedIn what ways does ones race/ethnicity shape ones life-chances in contemporary society?1710 Words  | 7 Pagescountry (Siewert: 2006). Government policies have always been discriminatory whether rightfully or wrongfully, it has widened the gap between Aborigines and other Australian (Hughes 2007:181). The Aboriginal life expectancy is 21 years less for men and 19 years less for women compared to non-Aborigines (Henry et al 2004:517). Suicide rates among Aborigines were unknown before the arrival of the first fleet, but between 1996 and 2000 in Queen sland, the suicide rates was 13.7 per 100 000 which is aboutRead MoreHealth Of Indigenous And Non Indigenous Australians Essay2053 Words  | 9 Pagesindigenous and non-indigenous Australians. Indigenous peoples have occupied Australia for more than 60, 000 years, so why are they among the most disadvantaged in our health system? The right to a ‘standard of living adequate for †¦ health and wellbeing’ was established as a basic human right in Article 25.1 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights). However, it is evident that the standard of health for Indigenous Australians is well below non- indigenousRead MoreAustrali A Strong Culture Of Racism1660 Words  | 7 PagesDid you know that a staggering 97% of indigenous Australians experience racial abuse on a regular basis even though this is their homeland? Australia has developed a strong culture of racism, caused by its long history of discrimination. Despite this a large majority of the population are in denial of its existence. The grim reality is that this bigotry is affecting all aspects of society including health, the economy, housing, unemplo yment rate and social unity. We must act, in order to decreaseRead MoreThe View that Religion Acts as a Conservative Force on Society961 Words  | 4 Pagesthey are worshiping a set of values that society shares. Therefore the collective conscious is reinforced and status quo is maintained. Durkhiem’s study of the Australian aborigines â€Å"totemism†showed that they had sacred symbol in which they worshiped, this is the totem pole. He argued that when the aborigines worshiped the totem they were worshiping society. This reinforced the collective conscious and unified the group and allowed the status quo to be maintained. Read MoreHealth Crisis Facing Australi Universal Declaration Of Human Right Article1428 Words  | 6 PagesSolutions to the Indigenous Health Crisis facing Australia Universal Declaration of Human Right Article 1 by Donnelly Jacob in 2013 states that â€Å"A LIFE of opportunity and dignity, free from discrimination and disadvantage, should not be an ideal. It is, in fact, a basic human right – one that we all share in common.†This figure reinforce that all the human beings are equal and have fair rights to live as a healthy life. However, in 2015 the Australian Bureau of Statistic has identified that theRead MoreRacial Discrimination And The Freedom Rides1540 Words  | 7 Pagesthis current society. In Australia, it was an underlying, yet very apparent issue during the mid 1900’s. However, this began to change with the assistance of Indigenous Australian Charles Perkins and Sydney University students. They aimed to break the various physical and social barriers between Aboriginals and white Australians by touring Northern New South Wales. This was officially known as the 1965 Freedom Rides. It can be hypothesised that th ere were multiple factors that were involved in theRead MoreOppression And Discrimination Has Plagued Our Society804 Words  | 4 Pagesis against them from the beginning. Racism, oppression, and discrimination have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing among these people. A study on how racism has affected the Aborigines in Australia, shows that this group experiences a substantial health disadvantage compared to the rest of the Australian population. Aboriginal youth who experience racism are at a higher risk for anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, and poor overall mental health. At this age youth are more susceptibleRead MoreCountry Risk Analysis2303 Words  | 10 Pagesmust obtain the appropriate licenses and certificates to distribute and manufacture alcohol in its home countries of Australia and New Zealand. For instance,â€Å"the production of fortified wine requires a permit from the Excise Business Line of the Australian Taxation Office†(Drug an d Alcohol Servers Australia, 2009, p. 1). â€Å"Permits are only granted for commercial purposes†(Drug and Alcohol Servers Australia, 2009, p. 1). â€Å"A person who sells liquor without being licensed to do so under the Liquor LicensingRead Moreâ€Å"I Wanted to Go to School but My Parents Told Me, No Essays6683 Words  | 27 PagesAboriginal Australian history and it’s connections to official education policies both past and present. What is the connection between official education policies and key events in Aboriginal Australian history? How have Aboriginal people responded to these policies? Key events in Aboriginal Australian history stem from the time Australia was first discovered in 1788. For instance, when Federation came into existence in 1901, there was a prevailing belief held by non Aboriginal Australians thatRead MoreEvaluate Functionalists Views on the Role of Functions in Society Today2539 Words  | 11 Pagesinstitutions, like religion which join up with others to enable society to work well, maintaining mutual agreement in society. Durkheim researched into the Aborigines in Australia in 1912. The native Australians, believed in Totemism, the belief in worshipping objects with divine properties, such as plants and animals. The Australian aborigines carried out many religious ceremonies to worship their totem, which is an example of collective consciousness securing social solidarity as the tribe were
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Developing Yourself-Important Skills for the Workplace Today Free Essays
Developing yourself-important skills for the workplace today Nowadays employers are looking for people with analytical reasoning skills, communication skills and creativity. But why, this is an obvious problem. Because all employers want their companies or enterprises can better develop. We will write a custom essay sample on Developing Yourself-Important Skills for the Workplace Today or any similar topic only for you Order Now They do not want to hire people who do not have competence to destroy their company. However these above skills are important for the companies and enterprises. The following is an analysis by why employers look for people with these skills. First is the analytical reasoning skills, it is deals with your ability to assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information, and identify key issues that need to be addressed. Highly analytical reasoning thinking with demonstrated talent for identifying, improving, and streamlining complex work processes. The world values people who have good analytical skills, who can see the big picture from the details, and who can think in terms of multi-disciplinary combinations. According to Thomas Friedman, author of The World is Flat, it’s â€Å"interdisciplinary combinations – design and technology, mathematics and art – that produce YouTube and Google. †In this age of overflowing information, in which the number of words on the Internet is close to surpassing the total number of words spoken in the history of humanity, we must know how to analyze and deal with information; to know what are good sources of information, to be able to access it and use discrimination to make effective use of it. As a whole, analytical ability is an important skill which the college students or professionals must develop in order to achieve the success in the workplace. For example if you want to buy an air conditioner. You analyze the air conditioner itself, is it a good brand, is it present technology, and what about compare to other present technologies. So what about your decision? And than you analyze the financial impact, do you have money for it, do you use cash or credit for it? After that you analyze do you home have a place to put it? So you look at all point of view of the same situation. If you want to be analytical, you have to weigh up your selection, think about them before you act, and not act on first impulse about much of anything. Second is the communication skills, Communication is the heart of every organization. Everything you do in the workplace results from communication. Thereby good reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are essential if tasks are going to be completed and goals achieved. As you develop your career you will find various reasons why successful communication skills are important to you. Shirley Taylor, March 11, 2009). Why it is important to you, because you will get a lot of benefits, for example: you will need good communication skills to make sure your application letter is fluency and acted upon. You will need to communicate perfect during your interview if you are to sell yourself and get the job you want. You will need to discuss problems, give instructions, work in teams, and interact with colleagues and clients. If you wa nt to achieve co-operation and effective teamwork, good human relations skills are essential. As the workplace is also becoming more global, there are many factors to consider if you want to communicate well in such a diverse environment. The most successful corporation understands that if they want to be successful in today’s business world, good communication at all levels is essential. Today’s workplace is constantly changing, so learning more about effective communication will help us all adapt to our changing environments. (Shirley Taylor, March 11, 2009). Last but not the least, it is the creativity. â€Å"A man of great common sense and good taste, meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage. (Sir Walter Besant). Some researchers define creativity as combining existing elements in an innovative way to create a new purpose or result. But others see creativity as the ability to generate new ideas from looking at how things are related. The book keys to success (2009, p. 110-111). Creativity is one of the most important things in the world be cause if each person did not have creativity then everything the same. Each person has there own type of creativity and that is why there are unique art, movies, clothing, etc. And then let’s talk about how we can develop these important skills while in college. Some suggest about analytical skills: I think to open teacher-student relationship helps the student become a good advice. It’s difficult for the student to do this if he is not engaged or open to what the teacher has to say. And the other method is learning how to question. Everyone knows how to question. It is part of what makes us human- we meet new people and ask them where they come from, what they do for a job, whether they are married. However, as you studies progress you will find that you need to think more deeply about how you question and type of questions that you ask. About communication skills there are some tips for improving your communication style. Adjust to the other styles of communication. Don’t think it is too late to change your way of conversing because it’s been years. You had to learn to communicate in the first place and you can unlearn certain behaviors or change them. Sometimes we get stuck in a communication rut. (Peter Murphy, 2007). Don’t pick on others for communicating differently. If we all communicated in the same way, we’d soon be bored with each other. (Peter Murphy, 2007). Last is about how to develop creativity. Brainstorming is also referred to as divergent thinking: you start with a question and then let your mind diverge-go in many different directions-in searches of solutions. Brainstorming is deliberate creativity thinking. When you Brainstorm, try to generate ideas without thinking about how useful they are; evaluate their quality later. Brainstorming works well in groups because group members can become inspired by, and make creativity use of, one another’s ideas. The book keys to success (2009 p. 111). How to cite Developing Yourself-Important Skills for the Workplace Today, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Diversity of Small Towns free essay sample
Everyone looks different, because all people look different. I will say one thing that when grouped together the white people look the same and the black people look the same. The best way to describe Reform is picture the town from the movie â€Å"Fried Green Tomatoes†where the whistle-stop cafe was located. As of July 2009 population was 1759 which is down 11. 6% since 2000. It is made up of 58. 3% being white and 41. 7% black (wikipedia). I remember as long as I lived there the black people had their places and the whites had their places to go and do things. When I was a teenager we would all go to the â€Å"pit†which was an old rock pit. We go up there and hang out and have a good time. I never really knew of any of the black kid’s hangouts. When growing up in this town you were raised not to mix. I knew that if I was caught in a vehicle or in some close presence with a black person my dad would go insane. We will write a custom essay sample on Diversity of Small Towns or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He is a German head strong man. It was just not kosher in Reform for race mixing. Reform did not offer a whole lot for entertainment for anyone. I remember on weekend and during the summer swimming, roller blading, playing pool in the basement of a friend’s house, walking in the woods, and just sitting under my grandmother’s mamosa tree in her backyard. I will say that I did get my love for taking photographs here in Reform. Reform is full of old buildings, cemeteries, and beautiful country side. I have always loved history and there are several old cemeteries and old wood framed churches along the country side of Reform I loved taking pictures and looking at the dates on the markers. I will say that even though Reform had its faults and I wanted out, but when you go on an adventure like I did taking pictures you forget those problems in town. The leaders within my town treated people that were of money and integrity with better respect than if you did not have these two traits. They would treat a white person and their needs better than the black people. I remember a time when a storm came through and damaged the cemeteries and the town, board members meet and paid for the main cemetery to be cleaned up, but since the other cemetery was by the black church; and town refused at first to clean it up as they did with the other one. After several months of arguing, petitioning, and boycotting the town made the choice to clean the cemetery up (Ashcraft, 2011). Reform has had the same mayor for several years now. His name is Frank Criswell. He is served by ten board members. He and the board members are all very wealthy people. Reform is about one thing and that is money and the ironic thing is the town is broke. I actually called the city hall to ask for a sit down discussion with Mr. Criswell and he refused. In my opinion, if you do not have the money to compete with some of the big wig families such as the Simpson’s, the Austell’s, the Criswell’s, and the Keasler’s then you really do not matter. I was very shocked to notice that there has still been a black person on the board. I feel sorry for people that are still living there, especially the black people. I did get to sit down with one of the oldest members of the town last week and we talked about a lot of things. I learned so much from him about this town that makes me glad I just left. Mr. Langdon will turn 102 this August. He lives at the local nursing home and surprisingly in fairly decent health. He talked about my grandfather and grandmother a lot and my mother. He said he remembered when they brought me home from the hospital. I will cherish this conversation for the rest of my life. Mr. Langdon work with my great-grandfather on the police force back many decades ago. Reform has a very small police station and force. There are approximately five officers (Jefferson, 2011). I do know for a fact that if you work in the city hall you and your family will never get a ticket. I started a big stink my junior year in high school. I had to finish my term paper for literature and my printer was out of ink. I went that evening around 8:00 pm to my aunt’s home to print my paper out. I was heading home and got pulled over. I was not speeding, because I was about to turn onto my road and besides I had a manual transmission. I pulled over and took my seat belt off to reach in the backseat to get my purse. I asked the officer what did I do and he told me that I did not have my seat belt buckled. I will admit I have and still am a boisterous person and I asked the officer well that’s funny considering it is night time and I have tinted windows. He told me to hush my mouth if I knew what was good for me. I took my ticket and told my dad. My dad and I went down to the city hall the next morning. My dad and the chief of police had a talk and my ticket got thrown out and was never made to be paid.
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