Friday, May 31, 2019
Free Essays - Anne Frank :: Anne Frank
The bluffs were your general German family and Anne was your general German girl. This family of four lived in Germany, Mr. Frank was an average business man, Mrs. Frank was an average scram and Margot and Anne were average students. The one thing that made them different in the eyes of Hitler, was the fact that they were Jewish. Once Hitler rose to power, the Franks fled to Holland, where the hoped to be safe from the Jewish-blood hungry(p) Nazis, they went on with their prescript lives, until once again Hitler took over. This caused the Franks to flee again, only this time they would be in hiding. A plan was devised the Franks would stay in an abandoned share of the Kraler office building, along with another family of three the Van Daans. The Franks set off for their new home before the Van Daans. They had to carry with them things that would last for as faraway as they knew, years. Anne took with her both vests, three pairs of pants, a dress and skirt, jacket, summer co at, shoes, both pairs of stockings, a cap and a scarf. During the journey through the streets, non-jews looked at them with pity and sorrow, they knew that on that point was nothing they could do to help them, no rides, no food, no help period. Once they arrived to what they c wholeed, the Secret Annexe they set their things in their rooms. Anne decorated her wall with all of her favorite actors and actresses. slightly a week later the Van Daans joined them, Mrs. Van Daan brought with her, her chamber Mr. Van Daan brought a folding tea table and shaft brought his cat Mouschi. apiece of them had their own individual personality, Mr. Van Daan, was pretty mellow with most of the Franks, especially Margot, but often had a word or two to say virtually Anne, he didnt like her constant chattering. Mrs. Van Daan was loud and flirtatious, constantly pestering people and never willing to do her part of the deform around the Annexe. thence theres Peter, the quiet, dull and boring o ne. At first Anne cannot stand Peters laziness, but she later grows quite fond of him. As time goes on, they from each one stand by to know each other a little better, Miep brings them news from the outside world as often as she can along with some excellent amounts of rations.Free Essays - Anne Frank Anne FrankThe Franks were your general German family and Anne was your general German girl. This family of four lived in Germany, Mr. Frank was an average business man, Mrs. Frank was an average mother and Margot and Anne were average students. The one thing that made them different in the eyes of Hitler, was the fact that they were Jewish. Once Hitler rose to power, the Franks fled to Holland, where the hoped to be safe from the Jewish-blood thirsty Nazis, they went on with their normal lives, until once again Hitler took over. This caused the Franks to flee again, only this time they would be in hiding. A plan was devised the Franks would stay in an abandoned sect ion of the Kraler office building, along with another family of three the Van Daans. The Franks set off for their new home before the Van Daans. They had to carry with them things that would last for as far as they knew, years. Anne took with her two vests, three pairs of pants, a dress and skirt, jacket, summer coat, shoes, two pairs of stockings, a cap and a scarf. During the journey through the streets, non-jews looked at them with pity and sorrow, they knew that there was nothing they could do to help them, no rides, no food, no help period. Once they arrived to what they called, the Secret Annexe they set their things in their rooms. Anne decorated her wall with all of her favorite actors and actresses. About a week later the Van Daans joined them, Mrs. Van Daan brought with her, her chamber Mr. Van Daan brought a folding tea table and Peter brought his cat Mouschi. Each of them had their own individual personality, Mr. Van Daan, was pretty mellow with most of the Franks, especially Margot, but often had a word or two to say about Anne, he didnt like her constant chattering. Mrs. Van Daan was loud and flirtatious, constantly pestering people and never willing to do her part of the work around the Annexe. Then theres Peter, the quiet, dull and boring one. At first Anne cannot stand Peters laziness, but she later grows quite fond of him. As time goes on, they each get to know each other a little better, Miep brings them news from the outside world as often as she can along with some small amounts of rations.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A Speech Given By Frederick Do -- essays research papers
FREDERICK DOUGLASS&8217S POWERS OF APPEALAfter his escape from slavery, Frederick Douglass chose to promote the abolition of slavery by speaking about the actions and personal effects that result from that institution. In an excerpt from a July 5, 1852 speech at Rochester, New York, Douglass asks the capitulum What to the slave is the Fourth of July? This question is a bold one, and it de musical compositionds attention. The effectiveness of his address is derived from the personal approachs in which he engages the listener. At once in this speech, Douglass appeals to his listeners&8217 religious tendencies. He asks his audience, &8220am I, therefore, c aloneed upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar&8230 (441). spiritual appeal is so important because the majority of his audience is Christian, and he implies that Christianity, in its ostensible purity, allows the mishandling of human life to the degree of slavery. By relating Christianity directly to slavery, hi s listeners must question the validity of their Christian doctrines in relation to the institution of slavery. In doing so, they must eliminate their acceptance of one of these traditions the odds are that Christianity holds a much to a greater extent loyal following than slavery, in which case slavery will be given up as a practice. Douglass also quotes from Psalms 1371-6, and the ludicrous notion that slaveholders expect their slaves to be joyous in their state of fetter is the essential meaning of the passage he chooses as it relates to the comparable situation of the Babylonians&8217 captives (442). His persuasive appeal in this case is the notion that any pious Christian would concur sympathy for the lamenting captives and contempt for the captors in the Psalms passage. If this assumption is correct, then the alike pious Christians surely should realize the situation of the slaves on this day and every other. Additionally, in asking this question, he asserts immediately tha t the meaning of the Fourth of July is entirely unlike from that of the free, white American. Douglass concedes that the whites of America had reason to rejoice &8220the rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence (441). However, he also illustrates that there are just as many reasons for slaves to scorn the conventional meaning of the Fourth of July. Furthermore, these reasons are as ... ...w, with all of the activity and thinking life requires, the slave&8217s manhood can be questioned (443). For the white man listening to this argument, it is required that he empathizes with the situation of the slave, because in actuality there is much in common between the free and the enslaved. This is precisely Douglass&8217s point bondage is the only hindrance of slaves&8217 abilities to lead a fulfilling life. Douglass&8217s appeals to his audience are specifically directed toward white, Christian males. He is fully aware at all times he must show that he can relate with them. As Christians, how should they have felt had they been denied their right to practice religion and believe in their god? What would they do if the country they so loved chained them to a life of servitude? Finally, what would all the work to support a family and desire for self-improvement have accomplished if it only benefited a master, but not a wife and children? Douglass deliberately addresses those aspects of life that mean the most to his audience because in doing so he is sure to gain the listeners&8217 full attention and consideration of the immorality of slavery.
Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Essay
Spanish Colonialism and the Indigenous People of Bolivia Prior to Spanish discovery of the new world, the scope now known as Bolivia was home to three major ethnic and linguistic groups the Uru, Aymara, and Quechua. The Uru lived on rafts, fishing and foraging along the shore of Lake Titicaca. The Aymara dominated the Uru, trim their status to poor fishermen and landless workers. Aymara society was built upon a basic social unit of kinship that organized the distribution of labor, and this system, termed ayllu, was later adopted by conquering Quechua. The Aymara are known for their practice of freeze drying potatoes high in the mountains, for their organized systems of irrigation, and their control of colonies in warm lowlands to produce food. By the early fifteenth century the Quechua dominated the northern highlands of the Andes, and by the later half of the century had adopted the name of their supreme ruler, the Inca. The Inca led a series of invasions into weakening Aymara kin gdoms in the south Andean region. The Inca quickly became a successful empire, a relative ethnic minority which controlled a diverse region of peoples. Conquered groups were allowed to maintain local chiefs, cultures, organized religion and language, bound together only through payments and work for the Inca. The mita (forced labor) system facilitated the lives of common laborers and recruited soldiers while vast tracts of roadways allowed for trade between the high and lowlands. The Inca accumulated great wealth, thus significant artistic and architectural achievements were made with textiles, metal working, and the practice of fitting stones together for building without the use of mortar. Many of these walls survive today. Although the Aymara attem... ...t the year in pursuit of temporary job opportunities. One might argue that indigenous groups continue to seek independence in the twenty-first century against a backdrop of individualistic globalization, a lucrative drug trad e, and struggles between conservative, liberal, and militant leaders. Works CitedMinahan, James. Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations Volume III. Westport Connectcut Greenwood Press, 2002.S. Olson, James. The Indians of Central and South America An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Westport Connecticut Greenwood Press, 1991.Regional Surveys of the gentleman South America, Central America and the Caribbean. Ed. Jacqueline West. 10th ed. Europa Publications Taylor and Francis Group, 2002Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture Volume I.Simon and Schuster, 1996.http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Workers? Compensation Essay -- essays research papers
Workers compensation is meant to protect employees from loss of income and to cover extra expenses associated with job-related injuries or illness. Accidents in which the employee does not lose time from work, accidents in which the employee loses time from work, temporary partial disability, permanent partial or total disability, death, occupational diseases, noncrippling physical impairments, such(prenominal) as deafness, impairments suffered at employer-sanctioned events, such as social events or during travel to organization business, and injuries or disabilities attributable to an employers gross negligence are the types of injuries and illnesses some frequently covered by workers compensation laws. Since 1955, several states have all toldowed workers compensation payments for job-related cases of anxiety, depression, and certain mental disorders. Although some form of workers compensation is available in all 50 states, specific requirements, payments, and procedures vary amo ng states. Certain features are common to virtually all programs The laws generally provide for replacement of lost income, medical expense payments, replenishment of some sort, death benefits to survivors, and lump-sum disability payments. The employee does not have to sue the employer to get compensation. The compensation is normally remunerative through an insurance program financed through premiums paid by employers. Workers compensation insurance pr...
Comapring Father/Daughter Relationships in King Lear and A Thousand Acr
Father/Daughter Relationships in superpower Lear and A green Acres The bond between a father and a daughter stands as one of the strongest emotional bonds present within many families. From the moment their minute girls emerge from the womb to the moment their young women marry, the father reigns as the head of the household, the controller, and the protector. Though this rings true for many families, sometimes Daddys little girls make all(a) the rules. They possess the ability to acquire what they want through their incessant whining, crying, and batting of their eyelashes. Daddys little girls assert control over most situations and possess negotiating skills that rival those of the trump out Wall Street stockbrokers. Pulling at Daddys heart, Daddys little girls play their fathers like puppets. Daddy appears as the head, but everyone knows who reigns as the boss. Though a father takes on the leadership role as the male figure head of the family, the role of protector makes the father-daughter bond particularly strong. Fathers protect their little girls from all harm so they proclaim. What happens when something shatters the respect and trust within the father-daughter relationship? What happens if the father hurts the daughter or vice versa? William Shakespeares King Lear and Jane Smileys A Thousand Acres delve into the subject of father-daughter relationships. both works of literature carefully examine the father-daughter theme, but, in King Lear, Lear receives the sympathy and not his sinister, evil daughters, Goneril and Regan, while in A Thousand Acres Larry wangle emerges as the villain, the daughters, Ginny and Rose, emerge as the heroines. In every family resides the favorite. The favorites get eve... stand as the ones that survive through the storm that rages in their lives. Although some of the heroes ultimately die, Lear of King Lear and Ginny and Rose of A Thousand Acres establish themselves as examples of total self-respect. Though people disrespect them, they persevere and live their lives to the best of their abilities emerging as the only true, heroic characters. Works Cited Harbage, Alfred. King Lear An Introduction. Shakespeare The Tragedies A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Prentice-Hall, 1964 113-22. Knight, Wilson. King Lear and the Comedy of the Grotesque. Shakespeare The Tragedies A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Prentice-Hall, 1964 123-38. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. New York Scholastic, 1970. Smiley, Jane. A Thousand Acres. Thorndike Thorndike Press, 1991.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Manage Your Cash Flow after You Buy a Website :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites
Manage Your Cash Flow after You Buy a WebsiteReprinted with authorization of VotanWeb.comThere is no magic formula to determine the necessary running(a) capital for a website. Sure, every accounting-textbook provides a definition of working capital, but how does this sympathise into the virtual world? The bottom line is, working capital is the cash that you need to continue operating your website when your current expenses exceed the cash flowing in from Paypal or the credit card companies. Working capital is critical to the survival of your website. Sadly, for most website entrepreneurs, it tends to take a back burner until it begins to cripple their website. Website owners contact me weekly requesting a simple formula to determine working capital. Unfortunately, working-capital requirements are different for every website. In an attempt to provide some help to website owners, I offer the next observations. Websites with a fast inventory turnover dont have huge working-capital requirements because the cash flows in from Paypal or other sources 24/7. This type of website might require 10% to 15% of its annual gross sales as working capital, as a rule of thumb.Websites that sell a large variety of items require a bigger working-capital cushion. A website that must maintain a large inventory, for instance, incurs high costs upfront for materials, but has to have the means to keep the servers up and running until it receives retribution form the customers. It might be reasonable for a website such as this to keep at least 25% of annual sales as working capital, speaking generally. The better a website owner reigns working capital, the less he needs to borrow and depend upon lenders. There are many examples of websites that did not manage their working capital. I know of one website that was booming and the owner had money in the bank. But it wasnt enough. The owner had decided to dramatically expand the services he offered through his website. The developm ent of the much larger website was substantial. Meanwhile, there was the weekly payroll to cover, the monthly rent for the servers and other expenses. Moreover, as is typical with any website expansion, it takes some meter for customers to learn that you are offering additional services. This means that there is some delay between spending the money for the expansion and receiving the money from the increased sales activities. On theory, the website was doing great.
Manage Your Cash Flow after You Buy a Website :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites
Manage Your Cash Flow after You Buy a WebsiteReprinted with permission of VotanWeb.comThere is no magic traffic pattern to determine the necessary running(a) capital for a website. Sure, every accounting-textbook provides a definition of working capital, but how does this translate into the virtual world? The bottom tilt is, working capital is the cash that you need to continue operating your website when your current expenses exceed the cash flowing in from Paypal or the credit card companies. running(a) capital is critical to the survival of your website. Sadly, for most website entrepreneurs, it tends to take a back burner until it begins to cripple their website. Website proprietors contact me weekly requesting a simple formula to determine working capital. Unfortunately, working-capital requirements are different for every website. In an attempt to provide some help to website owners, I offer the following observations. Websites with a fast inventory dollar volume dont hav e huge working-capital requirements because the cash flows in from Paypal or other sources 24/7. This type of website might require 10% to 15% of its annual sales as working capital, as a rule of thumb.Websites that sell a large variety of items require a big working-capital cushion. A website that must maintain a large inventory, for instance, incurs high costs upfront for materials, but has to have the means to keep the servers up and running until it receives payment form the customers. It might be rational for a website such as this to keep at least 25% of annual sales as working capital, speaking generally. The better a website owner manages working capital, the less he needs to borrow and depend upon lenders. There are many examples of websites that did not manage their working capital. I know of bingle website that was booming and the owner had money in the bank. But it wasnt enough. The owner had decided to dramatically expand the services he offered through his website. The development of the much larger website was substantial. Meanwhile, there was the weekly payroll to cover, the monthly rent for the servers and other expenses. Moreover, as is typical with any website expansion, it takes some time for customers to learn that you are offering special services. This means that there is some delay between spending the money for the expansion and receiving the money from the increased sales activities. On theory, the website was doing great.
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